Mahavastu [sanskrit verse and prose]

177,961 words | ISBN-10: 8120804813 | ISBN-13: 9788120804814

The Sanskrit edition of the Mahavastu: a lengthy work on Buddhist teachings and narratives belonging to the school of early Buddhism (Mahasanghika). This edition includes the verses as well as the prose sections. Original title: Mahāvastu-avādana (महावस्तु-अवादन), Mahāvastvavādana (महावस्त्ववादन, mahavastvavadana).

Section 1.267

mahārocamānehi bhīṣmehi mahābhīṣmehi samantagandhehi mahāsamantagandhehi pāriyātrakapuṣpehi suvarṇapuṣpehi rūpyapuṣpehi rajatapuṣpehi candanacūrṇehi agarucūrṇehi keśaracūrṇehi bhagavantam okirensu abhyokirensu samantāt ṣaṣṭi yojanāṃ divyehi ca gandhacūrṇehi jānumātramogho saṃvṛtto // bhikṣu bhagavantam āhansuḥ // kim ayaṃ bhagavan devānubhāvo nāgānubhāvo yakṣānubhāvo yena imāni dāni cchatrasahasrāṇi devehi ca nāgehi ca rājānehi ca pragṛhītāni // bhagavān āha // tathāgatasyaiṣa bhikṣavaḥ paurāṇasya kuśaladharmasya anubhāvo // yadi tathāgato'nuttarāṃ samyaksaṃbodhim abhisaṃbuddho na bhaviṣyati saṃsāre saṃsaranto bhagavanto yattakā etāni cchatrāṇi tattakāni cakravartirājyāni kārayiṣyet* // atha ca punas tathāgatasya sarvapuṇyapāpakṣayato parinirvāṇaṃ bhaviṣyati //
___bhagavān dāni āyuṣmantaṃ vagīśam āmantresi // pratibhātu te vāgīśa tathāgatasya pūrvayogo // sādhu bhagavan āyuṣmāṃ vāgīśo bhagavataḥ pratiśrutvā tāye velāye imāṃ gāthāṃ babhāṣe //
abhūc chāstā atītasmiṃ brāhmaṇo akutobhayo /
prahīṇajāti brāhmaṇo brahmacaryasmiṃ kevalī //
satvāṃ duḥkhitāṃ dṛṣṭvāna duḥkhadharmasamarpitāṃ /
dharmacakraṃ pravartesi ābhāṃ kāsi anuttarāṃ //
dharmacakraṃ pravartitvā ābhāṃ kṛtvā anuttarāṃ /
saṃbuddho parinirvāyet* maharṣiḥ kṣīṇapunarbhavo //
tasya stūpam akarensuḥ śrāvakā akutobhayā /
śaikṣā uttamā dāntāś ca akarensu kīrtihetave //
kṣatriyabrāhmaṇavaiśyā pūjāṃ kāsi maharṣiṇo /

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