Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva fundamental vow sutra
by Johnny Yu | 2005 | 21,827 words
The story of Ksitigarbha occurs in the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Purvapranidhana Sutra which is a popular Mahayana Sutra. This sutra is said to have been spoken by the Buddha towards the end of his life. Ksitigarbha is a bodhisattva primarily revered in East Asian Buddhism and usually depicted as a Buddhist monk. Original title of the text: Kᚣitig...
Chapter 9 - Chanting the Buddhas' Names
At that time, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, for the sake of future sentient beings, I shall now expound on methods which will enable them to gain great benefits in their live. I only hope the World Honored One will be willing to listen."
The Buddha told Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, "To rescue all of the suffering sentient beings in the six realms of samsara, you compassionately want to expound these unimaginable methods. Now is the right time, for I shall be entering into nirvana soon. You should quickly proceed so you can fulfill your vow early; then, I would not worry about the [deliverance of] present and future sentient beings."
Ksitigarbha said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, countless asankhyeya numbers of kalpas ago, there was a Buddha in the world with the title of Anantakaya (Boundless Body) Tathagata. After hearing this Buddha's name, if there are men or women who instantly develop devotions [to this Buddha], then they will be liberated from offenses which would cause them to suffer cycles of life and death for forty kalpas. The blessing will be even greater for those who forge statues of this Tathagata, paint images of him, make offerings to and praise [Him]. Those people will receive boundless blessing."
"Moreover, as many kalpas as there are sands in the Ganges River in the past, there was a Buddha in the world. His title was Ratnasuabhava (Jewel Nature) Tathagata. After hearing this Buddha's name, if there are men or women who devotedly seek refuge [in this Buddha] in the time to snap one's fingers, then they shall never regress from the Path to Enlightenment."
"Additionally, in the past, there was a Buddha in the world with the name of Supreme Padma (Lotus) Tathagata. If there are men or women who hear this Buddha's name, they shall be reborn thousands of consecutive time into the Six Heavens of Desire. The blessing will be greater for those who recite his name with devotion."
"Moreover, in the past, inexpressible asankhyeya numbers of kalpas ago, there was a Buddha in the world by the name of Simhananda (Lion's Roar) Tathagata. After hearing this Buddha's name, if there are men or women who have a thought of seeking refuge [in this Buddha], then they shall encounter countless Buddhas who will touch their heads and predict their future Enlightenment."
"Additionally in the past, there was a Buddha called Krakucchanda Tathagata. After hearing this Buddha's name, if there are men or women who devotedly pay homage and say praises [to this Buddha], then these people will become the Great Brahma in the Bhadrakalpa Assembly of one thousand Buddhas and receive predictions for becoming Buddhas themselves."
"Moreover in the past, there was a Buddha named Vipasyin Buddha. If there are men or women who hear this Buddha's name, they shall never fall into the realms of suffering. They also shall often be reborn in the human or heavenly realms to receive superior subtle blessings."
"Additionally, in the past, as many kalpas ago as all of the sands in innumerable Ganges Rivers, there was a Buddha in the world named Ratnasambhava Tathagata. If there are men or women who hear this Buddha's name, they shall ultimately not fall into the realms of suffering. They shall often be born into heaven and receive blessings."
"Moreover, in the past, there was a Buddha with the title Ratnalaksana Tathagata. After hearing this Buddha's name, if there are men or women who develop devotion [to this Buddha in their hearts], then they shall soon attain the fruition of Arahat-hood."
"Additionally, in the past, immeasurable asankhyeya numbers of kalpas ago, there was a Buddha in the world with the title Kasayadhvaja Tathagata. If there are men or women who hear this Buddha's name, they will be liberated from offenses which cause them to enter cycles of life and death for one hundred kalpas."
"Moreover, in the past, there was a Buddha with the title of Mahabhijna-Sumeru Tathagata. If there are men or women who hear this Buddha's title, then they shall encounter as many Buddhas as there are sands in the Ganges River. These Buddhas will give them extensive Dharma teaching. Thus, it is certain they will realize Bodhi."
"Additionally, in the past, there is Sudhacandra Buddha, Sumeru Buddha, Jnanajina Buddha, Vimalanamanraja Buddha, Jnanasaddhi Buddha, Anuttara Buddha, Sughosa Buddha, Purnacandra Buddha, and `Moon Face' Buddha. There are these inexpressible numbers of Buddhas. For all of the present and future sentient beings, regardless if they are devas or humans, regardless if they are men or women, if they [devotedly] chant [just] one Buddha's name, [they can generate] immeasurable amount of merit. The benefits will be even greater if they chant many names. Those sentient beings who do so shall attain great benefits during the time of their birth and death. They shall ultimately not fall into the suffering realms."
"If just one relative of dying people chants the Buddha's name on the dying people's behalf, the dying people shall be liberated from their sins with the exception of the five sins that cause one to fall into Avici Hell. Although the five Avici sins are extremely severe and the [sinners] cannot be released even after millions of kalpas, the karmic retribution will be slowly diminished as the result of someone chanting the Buddha's name on the sinners' behalf when the sinners were about to die. It will be [even more beneficial] if the sentient beings chant the Buddha's name for themselves. They shall receive immeasurable amounts of blessings and be liberated from immeasurable numbers of sins."