Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva fundamental vow sutra
by Johnny Yu | 2005 | 21,827 words
Summary: The story of Ksitigarbha occurs in the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Purvapranidhana Sutra which is a popular Mahayana Sutra. This sutra is said to have been spoken by the Buddha towards the end of his life.
Ksitigarbha is a bodhisattva primarily revered in East Asian Buddhism and usually depicted as a Buddhist monk.
Original title of the text: Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva Pūrvapraṇidhāna Sūtra (क्षितिगर्भ बोधिसत्त्व पूर्वप्रणिधान सूत्र)
Translated from Sanskrit into Chinese by Tripitaka Shikshananda
Translated from Chinese into English by Johnny Yu
Dedication: On the behalf of my mother, brother and father, I dedicate all merits generated from this endeavor to the Dharmadhatu. May they expeditiously attain Enlightenment.
Permission is granted to re-distribute this translation verbatim for non-profit purposes.
Source 1: motilalbanarsidass.com
Source 2: buddhism.org
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