Guide to Tipitaka

Canonical Pâli Buddhist Literature of the Theravâda School

by U Ko Lay | 48,543 words

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Part 5 - Paiicaka Nipata Pali

(a) There are five strengths possessed by a person in training for higher knowledge faith, shame (to do evil) , moral dread, ener- gy and insight-knowledge He believes in the enlightenment of the Buddha, he feels ashamed of wrong conduct m deed, word and thought, he dreads anything evil and unwholesome, he arouses energy to abandon everything unwholesome and to acquire everything that is wholesome; he perceives the pheno- menon of constant rising and ceasing and is thus equipped with insight which will finally lead him to Nibbana, destruction of suffering (para 2)

(b) There are also other five strengths, namely, faith, energy, mind- fulness, concentration and insight-knowledge The strength of faith is seen in the four characteristic qualities of a Streamwinner, the strength of energy is seen in the four Right Efforts; the strength of mmdfulness is seen in the Four Methods of Steadfast Mmdfulness and the strength of concentration is seen in the four jhanas, the strength of insight-knowledge is seen in the perception of the phenomenon of constant rising and ceas- ing, an insight which will finally lead to Nibbana. (para 14).

(c) Impurities that defile gold are iron, tin, lead, silver, and other metals Impurities that defile mind are sensuous desire, ill will, sloth and torpor, restlessness and worry, sceptical doubts. (para 23)

(d) A giver of alms surpasses a non-giver in five aspects, namely, in life-span, beauty, happiness, fame and power, whether both be reborn in the deva world or the human world. This difference in five aspects will persist till liberation is achieved. There is then no distinction between the liberation of one and the other or between one arahat and the other (para 31)

(e) There are five contemplations which ought to be practised by everyone, bhikkhus or layfolks, men and women:

"am certain to become old I cannot avoid ageing"
"am certain to become ill and diseased I cannot avoid illness'
"am certain to die I cannot avoid death""All things dear and beloved will not last They will be subject to change and separation"

"kamma (past and present actions) is my only property, kamma is my only heritage, kamma is the only cause of my being, kamma is my only km, my only protection Whatever actions I do, good or bad, I shall become their heir ' (para 57)"

(f) Five standards which should be set up for teaching the Dham- ma the Dhanima should be taught in graduated discourses; the Dhamnia should be given as a well-reasoned discourse; the Dhamma should be given out of compassion and sympathy; the Dhamma should not be given for the sake of worldly gain and advantage, the Dhamma should be taught without alluding to oneself or others, (para 159).

(g) There are five ways of getting nd of a grudge If a grudge arises towards any person, then one should cultivate loving-kindness, or compassion or equanimity towards him. Or one should pay no attention to him and give no thought to him Or one may apply the thought: his only property is his actions, whatever he does, good or bad, he will be heir to that In these ways, all grudges that have ansen can be removed (para 161)

(h) Wrong occupations which should not be followed by a lay dis- ciple- Trading in arms and weapons, trading in living beings, trading in meat, trading in intoxicants, trading in poison (para 177)

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