Guide to Tipitaka
Canonical Pâli Buddhist Literature of the Theravâda School
by U Ko Lay | 48,543 words
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Part 2 - Duka Nipata Pali
- There are two things to be borne in mind not to be content with what has been achieved in the process of development, i e even with the attainment of jhanas or inner lights (which indicates a certain stage of Insight meditation), and to resolve to struggle unremittingly and strenously until realization of the goal the enlightenment (para 5)
- There are two potentialities of men, to do good or to do evil It is possible to abandon evil, abandoning of evil bnngs benefit and happiness It Is also possible to cultivate the good Cultivation of the good brings benefit and happiness too (para 19)
- Two things are conducive to attainment of liberation in two ways Concentration Meditation and Insight Meditation If concentration is developed, the mind becomes developed and passion fades away resulting in liberation of mind If insight is developed, wisdom is developed and ignorance fades away resulting in liberation by knowledge (para 32)
- There are two persons one can never repay mother and father Even if out* should live a hundred years dunng which one at- tends upon one's mother and father, heaps all one's attention, love and personal service on them, one can never repay them for having brought up, feel and guided one through this life But if a person causes his parents who are non-believers to become established m the faith and to take refuge in the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Samgha, if he causes his parents who do not observe the precepts to become established in morality, if he causes his miserly parents to become generous so that they come to share their wealth with the poor and the needy, if he causes his ignorant parents to become establish- ed m the knowledge of the Four Truths, then such a person repays and more than repays his parents for what they have done for him (paras 33, 34)
- There are two kinds of happiness The happiness of the home life and the happiness of homelessness, the happiness of home- lessness is superior. The happiness of the senses and the happiness of renunciation, the happiness of renunciation is superior Tainted happiness and untainted happiness; carnal and non- carnal happiness; . and ignoble and noble happiness; . Bodily and mental happiness, mental happiness is superior (paras 65 to 71)