Guide to Tipitaka
Canonical Pâli Buddhist Literature of the Theravâda School
by U Ko Lay | 48,543 words
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Chapter VII - Anguttara Nikaya
- Sub-Contents: (+ / -)
This Collection of Discourses, Anguttara Nikaya, containing 9557 short suttas is divided into eleven divisions known as mpatas Each nipata is divided again into groups called vaggas which usually con- tain ten suttas The discourses are arranged hi progressive numencal order, each nipata containing suttas with items of dhamma, beginning with one item and moving up by units of one till there are eleven items of dhamma in each sutta of the last nipata Hence the name Anguttara meaning 'increasing by one item* The first nipata, Ekaka Nipata, provides in each sutta single items of dhamrna called the Ones, the second nipata, Duka Nipata, contains in each sutta two items of dhamma called the Twos, and the last nipata, Ekadasaka Nipata, is made up ot suttas with eleven items of dhamma in each, called the Elevens
Anguttara Nikaya constitutes an important source book on Buddhist psychology and ethics, which provides an enumerated summary of all the essential features concerning the theory and practice of the Dhamma. A unique chapter entitled Etadagga Vagga of Ekaka Nipata enumerates the names of the foremost disciples amongst the bhikkhus, bhikkhunis, upasakas, upasikas, who had achieved pre-eminence in one sphere of attainment or meritorious activity, eg the Venerable Sanputta in Intuitive Wisdom and Knowledge (Panna), the Venerable Maha Moggalla na in supernormal powers (iddhi), Bhikkhuni Khema in Panna, Bhikkhum Uppalavanna in Idcihu the Upasaka Anathapindika and the Upasika Visakha in alms-giving (Dana), and soon