Guhyagarbha Tantra (with Commentary)

by Gyurme Dorje | 1987 | 304,894 words

The English translation of the Guhyagarbha Tantra, including Longchenpa's commentary from the 14th century. The whole work is presented as a critical investigation into the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism, of which the Guhyagarbhatantra is it's principle text. It contains twenty-two chapters teaching the essence and practice of Mahayoga, which s...

Text 15.34 (Commentary)

[Guhyagarbha-Tantra, Text section 15.34]

... They all said yet again with one voice:
Please accept our wives.
Mothers, sisters, and daughters
Within the great maṇḍala.
Please accept them, heroic lord of Gods.
Let all our respective retinues
Maintain only the name
Of this great assembled maṇḍala—
Indeed, as our blazing crown jewels,
May we adopt you with an attitude
Which is without deceit but respectful.
And then remainins on our crowns.
Let us venerate you.
Let us perfectly accomplish without exception
Whatever may be the purpose of those (in the maṇḍala). [34] ...


thams-cad-kyis mgrin gcig-tu yang-smras-pa /
bdag-cag-rnams-kyi mchis-brang-dang /
ma-dang sring-mo bu-mo-rnams /
dkyil-'khor chen-por bzhes-su gsol /
dpa'-bo lha-rje bzhes-su-gsol /
bdag-cag so-so 'khor-bcas-kyis /
tshogs-kyi dkyil-'khor chen-po 'di'i /
ming-tsam 'dzin-par byed-pa-yang /
gtsug-gi nor-bu 'bar-ba-ltar /
gYo-sgyu-med-cing gus-ldan-pa'i /
sems-kyis blangs-te spyi-bo-yi /
gtsug-tu bzhag-ste bkur-bar bgyi /
de-yi dgos-pa ci-yang-rung /
ma-lus rdzogs-par bdag-cag sgrub / [34]


[The second aspect concerns the offering of their retainers, which they make with bowed heads. (It comments on Ch. 15.34):]

All (thams-cad-kyis) the proud spirits yet again said with one voice (mgrin-gcig-tu yang smra-pa): Please accept (bzhes-su gsol) our wives, mothers, sisters and daughters (bdag-cag-rnams-kyi mchis-brang-dang ma-dang sring-mo bu-mo-rnams) within the great maṇḍala (dkyil-'khor chen-por) enjoyed by the assembled wrathful deities. Please accept them (bzhes-su gsol) with certainty, heroic (dpa'-bo) subduer of venomous spirits, lord (rje) and supreme refuge of the gods (lha) who takes us into your fold. Let all our respective retinues (bdag-cag so-sor 'khor-bcas-kyis) be creatures who maintain only the name of this great assembled maṇḍala (tshogs-kyi dkyil-'khor chen-po 'di'i ming-tsam 'dzin-par byed-pa) of visible wrathful deities. indeed (yang), as (ltar) the crown (gtsug-gi) of our heads is venerated by the blazing ('bar-ba) light of wish-fulfilling jewels (nor-bu), may we adopt (blangs-te) you as an object of offerings, with an attitude (sems-kyis) without deceit (gYo-sgyu-med) but respectful (-cing gus-ldan-pa'i). Then, remaining (bzhag-ste) for ever on the crowns (gtsug-tu) of our heads, let us (-bar bgyi) venerate (bkur) and serve you. Let us perfectly accomplish (rdzogs-par bdag-cag bsgrub) all your aspirations without exception (ma-lus), whatever (ci-yang-rung) of the four kinds of enlightened activity may be the desired aim or purpose (dgos-pa) of those (de-yi) in the maṇḍala who bear the symbolic implements.

[The third aspect concerns the ritual assistance which they provide with an oath of allegiance. (It comments on Ch. 15.35):]

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