Guhyagarbha Tantra (with Commentary)

by Gyurme Dorje | 1987 | 304,894 words

The English translation of the Guhyagarbha Tantra, including Longchenpa's commentary from the 14th century. The whole work is presented as a critical investigation into the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism, of which the Guhyagarbhatantra is it's principle text. It contains twenty-two chapters teaching the essence and practice of Mahayoga, which s...

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Text 3.14 (Commentary)

[Guhyagarbha-Tantra, Text section 3.14]

Transformations which occur in relation to it.
Thus, self, others and the continuity of thought.
According to the pure unsurpassed vehicle, are supreme attributes. [14] ...


nyid-la dbang-sgyur-nyid spyod-phyir /
bdag-dang gzhan-dang rtog-pa'i rgyun /
rnam-dag bla-med theg-pa'i mchog / [14]


[Teaching that thought is the display of pristine cognition]

The display of subjective intelligence diversely arises in relation to this (nyid-la) originally pure reality, which is the essence of all appearance and mind and the object in which primordial Buddhahood is attained. All these transformations (dbang-sgyur-nyid) are themselves the self-manifesting pristine cognition which occur (la-spyod) in relation to pristine cognition itself. Thus (phyir), the apprehension of self (bdag-dang) and others (gzhan), and the (dang) entire continuity of thought (rtog-pa'i rgyun) which arises as refutation, proof and the five poisons are a display of pristine cognition. According to the primordially pure unsurpassed vehicle (rnam-dag bla-med theg-pa'i). they are supreme attributes (mchog).

It says in the All-Accomplishing King (T. 828):

Hatred, desire and delusion too
Emerge from the path of treat enlightenment.
The five modes of malpractice too[1]
Are said to be ornaments of reality's expanse.


According to the unconceived unrefined doctrine.
Pristine cognition is born from conceptual thought.


Know that all recollections, awareness, and thoughts whatever
Are objects of the uncontrived all-acomplishing reality.

The latter (see p. 523) teaches that the nature of the doctrines is inexpressible (160.3.-167.1). It has six sections, namely: it teaches that the unsurpassed vehicle is the result disillusioned with the four vehicles: it teaches that all things are a miraculous display without independent existence; it teaches that, although the teacher and teaching do not change, they instruct each according to his or her needs for the sake of those to be trained: it teaches that the natural Secret Nucleus is the emanational basis of all vehicles; it teaches that this itself is the general commentary on all the sūtras and tantras; and it teaches that all things apart from their mere names, words and labels are non-existent in the abiding nature.

[The first, (teaching that the unsurpassed vehicle is the result disillusioned with the four vehicles, comments on Ch. 3.15):]

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Tibetan kun-spyod yon-tan lnga. This refers to malpractices relating to conduct of body, speech, mind, attributes and actions.

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