Fundamentals of Vipassana Meditation
by Venerable Mahāsi Sayādaw | 24,609 words
Vipassana means 'insight' or 'perception'. This book helps prepare your mind for meditation. It conists of a series of lectures and is meant for people new to Vipassana Meditation....
Appendix - Glossary
action: kammanta-
right- : samma-
wrong- : miccha
activities, volitional: sankhara
adverting: avajjana
aggregate: khandha
-of grasping: upadanakkhandha
air: vayo
- element - dhatu
analysis: vavatthana
- of four elements: catudhatuvavatthana
analytical knowledge of mind and matter: nama rupa pariccheda nana
apperception: javana
attainment: samapatti
awareness: vinnana
becoming: bhava
birth: jati
body: kaya
- of body: kayanupassana
sphere: gati
bad- : duggati
good- : sugati
calm: samatha
characteristic: lakkhana
chronic state of life: satatavihara
Compendium of Philosophy: Abhidhammattha sangaha
comprehension: sampajanna
concentration: samadhi
concept: pannatti
concomitant (of mind) cetasika
confidence, faith: saddha
consciousness: vinnana
constituent (of Path): (magg-)anga
contemplation: anupassana
- of body: kayanupassana
- of feeling: vedananupassana
- of mental factors: dhammanupassana
- of mind: cittanupassana
continuity: santati
craving: tanha
death, dying: marana
death mindfulness: maranassati
deed: kamma
bad- : akusala-
good- : kusala-
defilement: kilesa
dependent origination: paticca samuppada
desire (will): chanda
determining consciousness: votthapana
deva sight: dibbacakkhu
- hearing: dibbasota
- world: devaloka
device: kasina
divine state: brahma vihara
door (sense door): dvara
effort: vayama
right- : samma vayama
ego (self): atta
element: dhatu
equanimity (indifference): upekkha
establishment of mindfulness: satipatthana
factor of enlightenment: sambojjhanga
faculty: indriya
faith (confidence): saddha
feeling: vedana
form (matter): rupa
formless: arupa
foul thing: asubha
fruit(ion): phala
function (property): rasa, kicca
going to the refuge: saranagamana
grasping: upadana
happiness, happy: sukha
happy condition in this world: dittha dhamma sukhavihara
higher knowledge (superknowledge): abhinna
hindrance: nivarana
immoral (action): akusala
impermanence: anicca
inferential insight: anumana vipassana
initial application: vitakka
insight: vipassana
intimation: vinnatti
investigation consciousness: santirana
- knowledge: sammasana nana
investigation of dhamma: dhamma vicaya
knowledge nana
- analytical, of mind and matter: nama rupa pariccheda nana
- of desire for deliverance: muncitu kamyata nana
- of (by) discerning conditionality: paccaya pariggaha nana
- of dissolution: bhanga nana
- of indifference to formations: sakharupekkha nana
- of reflection (re observation): patisankha nana
- of repulsion (disgust): nibbida nana
- of rise and fall (rising and passing away): udayabbaya nana
- of the fearful: bhaya nana
- of tribulation: adinava nana
law: dhamma
life continuum: bhavanga
livelihood: ajiva
right- : samma-
wrong- : miccha-
loathsomeness of food: ahare patikula sanna
love: metta
lower states: apaya
manifestation (mode of appearance): paccupatthana
matter (material, physical, form): rupa
means of accomplishment: iddhipada
meditator: yogi
mental quality (mind, psychological): nama
mind: mana, citta
- and matter: nama rupa
mindfulness: sati
mode of appearance: (see manifestation)
moral (action): kusala
moral habit (morality ): sila
neutral feeling: adukkha m-asukha vedana
Never returner: (non returner): anagami
Noble (Noble One) Ariyan
-eightfold path: ariyo atthangiko maggo
notion: sanna
- of permanence: niccasanna
not self: anatta
object: arammana
object - latent: arammananusaya
old age: jara
Once returner: sakadagami
Order (of arahts): sangha
origin (origination, cause): samudaya
part of enlightenment: bodhipakkhiya
path: magga
the ariyan- : ariyamagga
Path of Purity (Purification): Visuddhi Magga
perception: sanna
permanence (permanent): nicca
pity (compassion): karuna
pleasant (pleasurable, happy): sukha
power: bala
practical (personal insight): paccakkha vippassana
process: vithi
property (function) rasa
proximate cause (immedediate occasion): padatthana
purity: visuddhi
quietude (tranquillity): passaddhi
rapture: piti
reality: paramattha
reason: vimamsa
rebirth consciousness: patisandhi citta
receiving (recipient) consciousness: sampaticchana
recollection: anussati
refuge: sarana
respiration: anapana
retentive (registering) consciousness: tadarammana
round of rebirth: samsara
self (ego): atta
sense (sensual) object: kama
Silent Buddha: paccekabuddha
specification (analysis): vavatthana
speech: vaca
right- : samma
wrong- : miccha-
Stream winner: sotapanna
Stream winning: sotapatti
subject of meditation: kammatthana
subsequent process: anuvattakavithi
suffering (ill, misery, pain): dukkha
Supreme Buddha: sammasambuddha
supreme effort: sammappadhana
sympathy (sympathetic joy): mudita
theory of the self: attavada
thought: citta
right- : samma sankappa
wrong- : miccha sankappa
- moment: cittakkhana
three gems: tiratana
tranquillity: passaddhi
transcending doubts: kankhavitarana
unpleasant: dukkha
view (wrong view) ditthi
volitional activities: sankhara
will (desire): chanda
wisdom: panna
wrong: miccha