Enumeration of Phenomena
by C.A.F. Rhys Davids | 1900 | 124,932 words
*english translation* The first book of the Abhidhamma (Part 3 of the Tipitaka). The Dhammasangani enumerates all the paramattha dhamma (ultimate realities) to be found in the world. According to one such enumeration these amount to: * 52 cetasikas (mental factors), which, arising together in various combination, give rise to any one of... * ......
- A. — Anguttara-Nikaya.
- C. — Cullavagga.
- D. — Digha-Nikaya.
- Dhp.— Dhammapada.
- Dh. K.— Dhatu-Katha.
- Dh. S. — Dhamma-Sangani.
- Jat. — Jataka.
- K. — Siamese (Kambodian) edition of the text.
- K. v.— Katha Vatthu.
- M. — Majjhima-Nikaya.
- M. P. S.— Maha-Parinibbana Sutta (Childers).
- P. P.— Puggala-Pannatti.
- S. — Samyutta-Nikaya.
- S. N. — Sutta-Nipata.
- Vin. — Vinaya.
- Abh. S. — Abhidhammattha-Sangaha.
- Asl. — AtthasfilinT.
- Div. — Divyavadana.
- J. P. T. S.— Journal of the Pali Text Society.
- J. R. A. S. — Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society.
- M. B. v.— Maha Bodhi Vansa.
- Mah.— Maha Vansa.
- Mil. — Milinda Panho.
- S. B. E.— Sacred Books of the East.
- Sum. — Sumangala-Vilasini.
- Vis. M. — Visuddhi Magga,
[By 'printed text', or simply 'text', is always meant the edition published in 1885 by the Pali Text Society, unless otherwise stated.]