Buddha Desana

And Essential Principles of Enlightenment

by Sayadaw U Pannadipa | 1998 | 17,153 words

Aggamaha Saddhamma Jotika Dhaja Dean, Faculty of Patipatti, I T B M U, Yangon 1998...

Chapter 9 - Noble Attributes Op The Sangha

The nine highest qualities of the "Sangha" of the Noble Order are:

  1. Of good conduct is the Order of the Disciples of the Blessed One;
  2. Of upright conduct is the Order of the Disciples of the Blessed One;
  3. Of wise conduct is the Order of the Disciples of the Blessed One;
  4. Of dutiful conduct is the Order of the Disciples of the Blessed One;
  5. This is Order of the Disciples of the Blessed One - namely these Four Pairs of persons, the Eight Kinds of individuals - is worthy of offering;
  6. Is worthy of hospitality;
  7. Is worthy of gifts;
  8. Is worthy of reverential salutation;
  9. Is an incomparable field of merit to the world.

All "Sangha" are bound by the rules laid down Buddha in the Vinaya Pitaka and required to teach the Dhamma to mankind for the attainment of prosperity, peace and happiness in this life as well as in the lives to come. In this way over 2,500 years after the Buddha's demise, the Sangha preserved the Buddha's words which passed down from teacher to teacher or from generation to generation. Now as a consequence, Buddhists possess the Dhamma, the most precious treasure in their presence, and for that they value the proudest confidence in the Sangha who is earnestly carrying on the main task of study and practice (dvedhura) of the Dhamma.

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