Blue Annals (deb-ther sngon-po)
by George N. Roerich | 1949 | 382,646 words | ISBN-10: 8120804716 | ISBN-13: 9788120804715
This page relates ‘Celestial Practice’ of the Blue Annals (deb-ther sngon-po)—An important historical book from the 15th century dealing with Tibetan Buddhism and details the spiritual doctrine and lineages of religious teachers in Tibet. This chapter belongs to Book 14 (Great Compassion Cycle).
Chapter 6 - Celestial Practice
[Full title: Celestial Practice (mkha’ spyod bsnyen sgrub kyi skabs). {Chandra 924; Chengdu 1211; Roerich 1041}.]
Further, the mahasiddha Mitra came to Tibet, after having performed the Yoga called Balarasa. Now the Lineage of the mkha' spyod bsnyen sgrub preached by him (a book belonging to the kar ma pa sect): The ācārya mtsho skyes rdo rje[1] bestowed it on pad ma'i myu gu[2] who was a paṇḍita learned in the five sciences. After having obtained these precepts, he developed an immortal Vajrakaya.1900
He bestowed (the Doctrine) on the yogesvara Mitrayogin. The latter preached to zwa dmar chod pan 'dzin pa grags pa seng ge the Cycle of Precepts of Pranayama, including the srog thig rnam 'joms (of a book), and other texts, as well as. many lesser precepts. In particular, he imparted to him the precepts of the mkha' spyod bsnyen sgrub, its basic text, together with its initiation, branches and exposition.
The latter preached all the precepts of the Oral Tradition %, in the manner of a well filled vase, to the hermit (ri khrod pa) dar rgyal ba.
The latter preached to dpal mkha’ spyod dbang po, and also composed a text book.
Again, grags sengba[3] preached it to ‘jam dbyangs chos dor ba, who also composed a large text book.
The Chapter on the mkha spyod bsnyen sgrub.
Footnotes and references:
Padmankuravajra {R} 1900 mystic body {R}
gras pa seng ge {R}