Blue Annals (deb-ther sngon-po)
by George N. Roerich | 1949 | 382,646 words | ISBN-10: 8120804716 | ISBN-13: 9788120804715
This page relates ‘Trophupa (i): Rgyal tsha (Phag mo gru pa’s disciple)’ of the Blue Annals (deb-ther sngon-po)—An important historical book from the 15th century dealing with Tibetan Buddhism and details the spiritual doctrine and lineages of religious teachers in Tibet. This chapter belongs to Book 8 (The famous Dakpo Kagyü (traditions)).
Chapter 20 - Trophupa (i): Rgyal tsha (Phag mo gru pa’s disciple)
rgyal tsha, the chief disciple of ‘gro mgon rin po che (phag mo gru pa): He was born in the year Earth Male Dog (sa pho khyi 1118 A.D.) as son of a princess (lha gcig) and a father belonging to a family in which there had been many siddhas of the rnying ma pa sect, and who were the descendants of nam mkha' sning po of snubs[1] in the district of 'jal in Lower shab.
Childhood and Teachers
From, the age of five he mastered the alphabet, and was able to count. From childhood he felt aversion towards the World, and was attracted to religion.
Among the teachers whom he followed were: gnur nyi ma, the ācārya gan chag pa, ram sding ma ba, the kalyāṇamitra rtsi gnyan, grol ston lha 'bum, the bla ma sgang ri bo che pa, the Lord (rje) sgro phug pa, son of zur chung ba, the bla ma 'or kha pa, sgang shes rab bla ma, mnga' ris, skyi ston, dpyal kun dga' rdo rje, Samantaśrī, a paṇḍita from Nepal, khu lo tsa ba ne tso, Paṇḍita Śākyaśrī, spos sgang ba, lha rje jo 'khor, lha rje shes rab bzang po, and jo btsun me 'bar. He heard from them their respective doctrines.
At the age of nineteen, he proceeded towards dbus. At gyor po lugs smad he met dmar chos kyi rgyal po, a direct disciple of pu hrangs lo tsa ba, mes ston kun snying, rngog mdo sde, the bla ma gshen chen po, aged eighty-three, a disciple of the lo tsa ba chos kyi bzang po.
At the age of twenty-five, he returned to his native country, and was installed. He also preached some doctrines. His father said to him "Now you should take a bride!" By himself he decided not to accept it, but told his father about it in a gradual way, and at last received his permission.
The names of teachers whom he followed, are as follows: brag dkar po ba, zhu don mo ri ba, mnga' ris pa zhang sgom, the kalyāṇa mitra tho ston, the kalyāṇa mitra rgya ston, the kalyāṇa mitra gshen of bya ru dben tsha, thur la ba tshul khrims skyabs, the paṇḍita Vairocana, ke ke her grags, the kalyāṇa mitra sum pa, dam pa pyar chung, Vajrakrodha, and the bla ma 'ol pa chen po.
Meeting with phag mo gru and others
Later he was advised by bla ma dmar to go to phag mo gru, and he visited the Teacher (phag mo gru pa). Faith was born in him, and he listened to the exposition of many doctrines, and hidden precepts. Then an excellent understanding in the "Great Seal" (Mahāmudra) was produced in him.
He met rgya ras at zangs ri, and obtained from him the Doctrine. About that time he also met sgom tshul and listened to his teaching. He also obtained the gcod system from thon ston grub pa, son of ma gcig labs sgron. About that time this teacher had reached the age of eighty-eight. He also obtained precepts from zings po zla ba, a disciple of dam pa rgya gar and skam. In general, he had eighty-two teachers.
After that he returned to his native place. He used to send out traders and barter goods. He offered excellent presents to phag mo gru, including presents to each of the monk, and tea to the monastic congregation. The kalyāṇa mitra zhang sum thog pa and others praised him greatly.
About that time he obtained all the doctrines in possession of his teachers, such as the lam skor and others. He also heard the Doctrine from the Vinayadhara of she'u.
Teaching and Ordination
After that he took leave of his Teacher (phag mo gru pa), and asked him what he was to do in the future. The Teacher gave the following reply "Preach the Doctrine in your native country to all those who ate afflicted by fear of birth and death."
On his way there many people received him. Then he proceeded towards don mo ri, and there at the age of fifty-four, in the year Iron Hare (lcags yos, 1171 A.D.), he requested zhang zhi mdzes to become his upādhyāya, and took up final monastic ordination.
He thought that he should associate with a group of four monks. So he bought a plot of land in khro phu from a man named zhang btsun dbon chung. He built there a temple (dbu rtse) and cells, and gathered round him about 20 monks. He chiefly practised mind concentration. On one occasion he bestowed several complete initiations on ston pa tshul she and several others.
During his critical year of sixty-one, he felt slightly unwell. In his vision he saw the Lord phagmo gru pa coming who told him: "0 son! In the pure sky of your own mind there appeared a cycle (lo grangs) of years (corresponding) to the twelve nidānas. In eight years from now on, you may follow me, if you care", saying so, he rode off on a lion. He disappeared towards the mountain opposite to gnyan dkar. Accordingly he passed away in the year Wood Female Hare (shing mo yos, 1195 A. D.), at the age of seveny-eight.
Footnotes and references:
One of twelve chief disciples of Padmasambhava, dag pa'i 'khor Inga (R).