Blue Annals (deb-ther sngon-po)
by George N. Roerich | 1949 | 382,646 words | ISBN-10: 8120804716 | ISBN-13: 9788120804715
This page relates ‘Rgyal ba yang dgon pa’ of the Blue Annals (deb-ther sngon-po)—An important historical book from the 15th century dealing with Tibetan Buddhism and details the spiritual doctrine and lineages of religious teachers in Tibet. This chapter belongs to Book 8 (The famous Dakpo Kagyü (traditions)).
Chapter 18a - Rgyal ba yang dgon pa
Family and Pre-birth
Rgyal ba yang dgon pa, a disciple of rgyal ba rgod tshang pa: his native place was dgon pa lha gdong in Southern la stod (gtsang). He belonged to a family in which many rnying ma pa siddhas appeared in succession. Among them there was a, meditative siddha dar ma by name, who had meditated for sixty years without a break. His younger brother jo bsam possessed a great knowledge of Tantric literature, and spent day and night in the practice of meditation. To him and mother chos mthong, the yogini, a boy (yang dgon pa) was born in the year Water Female Hen (chu mo bya, 1213 A.D.). He belonged to the ston clan.
While still in his mother’s womb, the mother saw many wonderful dreams and signs, such as the appearance of two suns, etc. A natural state of mental concentration was, produced in her. Soon after his birth, he uttered the words: "I take refuge!" There was no need for him to study reading and writing. As soon as he had learnt to speak, he began to admonish all those who stayed around him, beginning with his mother, to enter religion. In this manner, soon after his birth, he became the Master of Living Beings (a quotation from the Mañjuśrī nāma saṅgīti).
The father had died before the boy’s birth. Before his death, he said,
"This one will be an incarnation! He should be named gdung sob 'bar. I shall proceed to another place to labour for the welfare of living beings."
He died at the age of 75.
By reason of this, the, boy used to sing:
"I, 'bar ba, the little man of illusion (Māyā)...”
At the age of five, he uttered many psalms of benefit to others, and it became known throughout the whole country that an incarnation (nirmāṇa kāya) had appeared.
About that time, one known as sangs rgyas mi bskyod rdo rje came as a begger, but no one recognized him. The Precious One was however recognized by the child, who climbed on his lap.
The Precious One was pleased, and his mind concentration was greatly strengthened. Sangs rgyas mi bskyod rdo rje said:
"When I was wandering through the four districts of la stod, only a small boy of five recognized me."
He also repeated several times:
"I have a son who is able to recognize his father. I am going to meet him."
Later, when sangs rgyas mi bskyod rdo rje came there, he met the Precious One, and said to him: "O Jo sras (Son of a Teacher)! Sing a song", and yang dgon pa sang: “Salutation to the Lord bla ma! I, 'bar ba, the little man of illusion (Māyā) have awakened the effects of, former actions. The Teacher’s blessing entered into me. My theory (lta ba) is free from affirmation (gza’ gtad). My meditation is free from objects. My actions are free from assertions and objections. My goal is free from hope and anxiety,” etc.
The (bla ma) was pleased, and having joined the palms of his hands, said "This boy has indeed tightened the belt of the Great Achievement! Son of kun bzangs! Take refuge in this manifestation of the Buddha", and saying so, he shed tears. About that time yang dgon pa heard from him the exposition of the hidden scriptures (gter kha) of mnga' bdag myang and the zhi byed doctrine.
At the age of six, he (yang dgon pa) proceeded to phul dmar ba, and heard from him the sgyu 'phrul initiation, the Tantra of the Great Achievement (rdzogs chen gyi rgyud) together with precepts, the precepts of the bka' gdams pas, the zi byed system, the gcod yul, the essence of the Path & Fruit Doctrine (lam 'bras), together with its precepts and commentaries. He stayed for three years with phul dmar ba. At the age of nine, he became abbot of lha gdon.
From childhood he possessed the faculty of prescience. He mastered the complete Doctrines of all the teachers whom he had followed in this life, namely: the bla ma ko brag pa, rgod tshang pa, sa skya pan then, rje spyan snga, sangs rgyas ras chen; the bla ma drod chung pa, and others. As a child of nine years, he used to lecture to the congregation, and bestowed instructions on others.
Activity and Passing
At the age of twenty-two, he received the final monastic vows in the presence of a congregation of eighty assistant monks (las gral ba), the upādhyāya lha btsun sogs kha pa, the karma ācārya ko brag pa and the Secret Preceptor drob chung, and received the name of rgyal mtshan dpal. Later, he founded the monastery of Śrī ri gnam sdings. For one year, he sat in the vajra paryaṅka posture to show an example to others. He expounded continuously the Doctrine at bu le, and other places.
In general, because of his great fame, over 10,000 disciples gathered round him from all quarters. On the request of his disciples, he composed numerous books, such as the 'ri chos skor gsum (the Three classes of the "Hermit” Doctrine), and the "Six Mothers" (ma drug). At the age of forty-six in the year Earth Male Horse (sa pho rta, 1258 A.D.) he proceeded, to bar 'brog. Then at lcags nur he showed signs of being unwell. Having been invited to Śrī ri, he passed away on a certain 19th day.
His disciples were endowed with yogic insight (rtogs pa), and among them there were many adepts (sādhakas) who had renounced the World, but the chief among them were spyan snga rin chen ldan, who from his early childhood became his disciple, and never separated from him, and later he became the gatherer of his teachings, and lo ras chos skyong dpal, who was expert in the rtsa rlung practice (yogic breath control).