Blue Annals (deb-ther sngon-po)
by George N. Roerich | 1949 | 382,646 words | ISBN-10: 8120804716 | ISBN-13: 9788120804715
This page relates ‘Zur Geneology (viii): Yon tan gzungs’ of the Blue Annals (deb-ther sngon-po)—An important historical book from the 15th century dealing with Tibetan Buddhism and details the spiritual doctrine and lineages of religious teachers in Tibet. This chapter belongs to Book 3 (Early translations of Secret Mantra).
Chapter 1c - The Zur Geneology (viii): Yon tan gzungs
Bla ma chen po (the great teacher) yon tan gzungs was born in the year Fire-Male-Horse (me pho rta —1126 A.D.).
He began has studies at the age of eleven. For thirteen years be was befriended by his uncle and studied thoroughly the Tantras, precepts and instructions in the Tantras of the three classes of the utpannakrama and sampannakrama degrees (bskyed rdzogs).
When he reached the age of twenty-four, his uncle rgya nag pa having died, he was nominated abbot. Slight doubts which remained (in his mind) were all removed after his studies under (his uncle’s) disciples ston shAk of dbus, zhig po of dbus and others.