Advayavajra-samgraha (Sanskrit text and English introduction)

by Mahamahopadhyaya Haraprasad Shastri | 1927 | 20,678 words

The Advayavajra-samgraha is a collection of approximately 21 works primarily authored by Advayavajra, an influential figure in Buddhist philosophy from the 11th century. These texts explore critical themes in Buddhism, particularly during a period that saw the transition from Mahayana to Vajrayana practices. The Advayavajra-sangraha collection offe...

Chapter 10 - Svapnanirukti

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45 10 15 10 | svapnaniruktih | namah sarvvajnaya | - vinayestha bhi (suva ) dharmesu sutresu jinapungavaih | dharmma [:] svapnopama [:] khyata vispastartham tat kathyate || svapnam satyamasatyam va [ - videva va | maya yatha pratisthanam satam kimiha sammatam || svapna [:] satyamabodhena taddodhe ya (va) tyalokatam | prathame [tu ] svata [:] jnanam dvitiye nastita bhavet || prabodhata kalpita yohe nanubhutirapohyate | sancintraprakasatma yadya [da]styanubhavo mahan || ksanadhvamsyalayat maulat pravrttibhyo vicitrata | tasca taca tadakara cidesitam tadisyate || svapnat svapnam yadeva syat cicicalikata tada | naiva satyam satterna cocchedah prakasatah || kimanyannikrtam nama [na ]mnau mayeti va krtam | namni na yujyate nama apratistha tvanamani || panivahadditayam [ca] catvaro bodhaye matah | svapnatulyamidam visvamityamuktam jinottamaih || kim nvasthanamato viddhi buddhasarvvasvamuttamam | sambittya saguroryanat caryaya ca visesatah || || svapnaniruktih samapteti | [29 ] ||

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