A Manual of Abhidhamma

by Nārada Thera | 80,494 words | ISBN-13: 9789380336510

In the Abhidhammattha Sangaha there is a brief exposition of the Law of Dependent Origination, followed by a descriptive account of the Causal Relations that finds no parallel in any other philosophy. Edited in the original Pali Text with English Translation and Explanatory Notes by Narada Maha Thera....

Grouping of Material Qualities


§ 5.

Ekuppādā ekanirodhā ekanissayā sahavuttino ekavīsati rūpa-kalāpā nāma.

Tattha jīvitam avinibbhogarūpañ ca cakkhunā asaha cakkhu-dasakan' ti pavuccati. Tathā sotādihi saddhim sotadasakam, ghāna-dasakam, jivhā-dasakam, kāyadasakam, itthibhāva-dasakam, pumbhāva-dasakam, vatthudasakaññ c'āti yathākkamam yojetabbam. Avinibbhoga rūpam eva jīvitena saha jīvitanavakan ti pavuccati. Ime nava kammasamutthāna-kalāpā.

Avinibbhogarūpam pana suddhatthakam. Tad' eva kāyaviññattiyā saha kāyaviññattinavakam vacī-viññatti saddehi saha vacī-viññatti-dasakam lahutādīhi saddhim lahutādi-ekādasakam kāya-viññattilahutādi dvādasakam vacī-viññatti-saddalahutādi-terasakañ c'āti cha cittasamut-thānakalāpā.

Suddhatthakam, saddanavakam, lahutādi-ekādasakam, sadda-lahutādi dvādasakañ c'āti cattāro utusamutthāna-kalāpā.

Suddhatthakam, lahutadekādasakañ cā'ti dve āhārasamutthāna-kalāpa.

Tattha suddhatthakam, saddanavakañ c'āti utusamutthāna kalāpā bahiddhā pi' labbhanti. Avasasā pana sabbe pi ajjhattikam eva.

Kammacittotukāhāra-samutthānā yathākkamam
Nava cha caturo dve'ti kalāpā ekavīsati.
Kalāpānam paricchedalakkhanattā vicakkhanā
Na kalāpangam iccāhu ākāsam lakkhanāni ca.

Ayam' ettha kalāpa-yojanā.


(translation) (57)

§ 5.

There are twenty-one material groups inasmuch as they arise together (or have a common genesis), cease together (or have a common cessation), have a common dependence, and coexist.

Therein vitality and the (eight) inseparable material qualities together with the eye are called the 'eye-decad'. Similarly the 'ear-decad' together with the ear and so forth, 'nose-decad', 'tongue-decad', 'body-decad', 'female-decad', 'male-decad', 'base-decad', should respectively be formed. Inseparably material qualities, together with vitality, are called the 'vital nonad'. These nine groups are produced by Kamma.

The inseparable material qualities constitute the 'pure octad'. They, together with the bodily intimation, constitute the 'bodily intimation nonad'; together with the vocal intimation and sound, the 'vocal intimation decad'; together with the material qualities of lightness, pliancy, and adaptability, the 'un-decad of lightness' and so forth; the dodecad of bodily intimation, lightness, pliancy, and adaptability; and the tridecad of vocal intimation, sound, lightness, pliancy, and adaptability.

These six material groups are produced by mind.

The pure octad, the sound-nonad, the un-decad of lightness, pliancy, and adaptability; the dodecad of sound, lightness, pliancy, and adaptability-these four are produced by seasonal phenomena.

The pure octad, and the un-decad of lightness, pliancy and adaptability are the two material qualities produced by food.

Of them the two material groups produced by seasonal phenomena - pure octad and the sound, nonad - are found externally too. All the rest are strictly internal.

There are twenty-one material groups - nine, six, four and two produced in due order from Kamma, mind, seasonal phenomena, and food.

As space demarcates, and characteristic marks just indicate, the wise state that they are not parts of material groups.

Herein this is the formation of material groups.

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