Ayurveda, latest updates

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Latest Ayurveda article updates:

Atharvaveda and Charaka Samhita [...] Viṣa (poison) according to Caraka
Update, 28 October, 2023: Maharṣi Caraka discusses disease of Viṣa and treatment of Poisoning and Viṣ... »»

Atharvaveda and Charaka Samhita [...] Tṛṣṇā (morbid thirst) according to Caraka
Update, 28 October, 2023: Maharṣi Caraka discusses disease of Tṛṣṇā and treatment of Morbid thirst an... »»

Atharvaveda and Charaka Samhita [...] Chardi (vomiting) according to Caraka
Update, 28 October, 2023: Maharṣi Caraka discusses disease of Chardi and treatment of Vomiting and Ch... »»

Atharvaveda and Charaka Samhita [...] Kāsa (bronchitis) according to Caraka
Update, 28 October, 2023: Caraka discusses disease of Kāsa and treatment of Bronchitis and Kāsa-cikit... »»

Atharvaveda and Charaka Samhita [...] Hikkā (hiccup) and Śvāsa (asthma) according to Caraka
Update, 28 October, 2023: Maharṣi Caraka discusses disease of Hikkā and Śvāsa and treatment of Hiccup... »»

Atharvaveda and Charaka Samhita [...] Ulcers (vraṇa) according to Caraka
Update, 28 October, 2023: Innate or Nija type of ulcer can be caused by the vitiation of dosas of the... »»

Atharvaveda and Charaka Samhita [...] Madātyaya (alcoholism) according to Caraka
Update, 28 October, 2023: Alcohol is prepared from different types of ingredients like cereals, fruit... »»

Atharvaveda and Charaka Samhita [...] Visarpa (erysipelas) according to Caraka
Update, 28 October, 2023: In Western language, Visarpa is called Erysipelas. It spreads rapidly throu... »»

Atharvaveda and Charaka Samhita [...] Grahaṇī (sprue-syndrome) according to Caraka
Update, 28 October, 2023: Maharṣi Caraka discusses disease of Grahaṇī Doṣa and treatment of Sprue-syn... »»

Atharvaveda and Charaka Samhita [...] Kṣatakṣīṇa (galloping phthisis) according to Caraka
Update, 28 October, 2023: Tuberculosis occurs as a consequence of Kṣatakṣīṇa. But Kṣatakṣīṇa cannot b... »»

Atharvaveda and Charaka Samhita [...] Śvayathu (oedema) according to Caraka
Update, 28 October, 2023: Maharṣi Caraka discusses disease of Śvayathu and treatment of Oedema or Śva... »»

Atharvaveda and Charaka Samhita [...] Unmāda (insanity) according to Caraka
Update, 28 October, 2023: The symptoms of insanity are -the vitiated doṣa move to the mind or Mastiṣk... »»

Atharvaveda and Charaka Samhita [...] Pāṇḍuroga (anemia) according to Caraka
Update, 28 October, 2023: The dhātus in the human body are affected by the pitta doṣas. Then the dhāt... »»

Atharvaveda and Charaka Samhita [...] Apasmāra (epilepsy) according to Caraka
Update, 28 October, 2023: Apasmāra According to the medical scholars, ‘loss of memory’ is called epil... »»

Atharvaveda and Charaka Samhita [...] Atisāra (diarrhea) according to Caraka
Update, 28 October, 2023: Atisāra Symptoms of Atisāra or Diarrhea are-passing excess of loose stools.... »»

Atharvaveda and Charaka Samhita [...] Arśa (piles) according to Caraka
Update, 28 October, 2023: Maharṣi Caraka discusses disease of Arśa and treatment of piles or Arśa-cik... »»

Atharvaveda and Charaka Samhita [...] Prameha (urinary tract disease) according to Caraka
Update, 28 October, 2023: The etymology of prameha is–“pra-miha+ghañ”. The word Prameha means urinary... »»

Atharvaveda and Charaka Samhita [...] Gulma (abdominal swelling) according to Caraka
Update, 28 October, 2023: Maharṣi Caraka discusses disease of Gulma and treatment of Phantom Tumour o... »»

Atharvaveda and Charaka Samhita [...] Raktapitta according to Caraka
Update, 27 October, 2023: According to Maharṣi Caraka, Raktapitta disease is a serious disease and it... »»

Atharvaveda and Charaka Samhita [...] Vāta (Vāyu), Pitta and Kapha (Śleṣma)
Update, 27 October, 2023: There are two types of reasons are exogenous and endogenous. There are also... »»

Atharvaveda and Charaka Samhita [...] Classification of diseases in the Caraka-Saṃhitā
Update, 27 October, 2023: In a living being, the head is the substratum of elan vital and all the sen... »»

Atharvaveda and Charaka Samhita [...] Physicians (Vaidyas) and Medicine
Update, 27 October, 2023: Discussing the types and qualities of Vaidya in Caraka-Saṃhitā, Ācārya Cara... »»

Atharvaveda and Charaka Samhita [...] Introduction and Cause of diseases
Update, 27 October, 2023: All the five senses are the transformed state of Pañca Mahābhūta. The predo... »»

Atharvaveda and Charaka Samhita [...] Chapter 4
Update, 27 October, 2023: [Full title: Description of diseases and their remedial measures as describ... »»

Atharvaveda and Charaka Samhita [...] Treatments of Viṣūcikā disease (cholera)
Update, 27 October, 2023: Viṣūcikā disease is called cholera. Viṣūcikā disease is mentioned in Yajurv... »»

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