The Bundahishn

Knowledge from the Zand

1897 | 25,140 words

A collection of texts related to Zoroastrian cosmogony and cosmology. The contents focuses on the Zoroastrianism's creation myth, and the first battles of 'Ahura Mazda' and 'Angra Mainyu'. Most of the chapters of the compendium date to the 8th and 9th centuries. The Bundahishn ("Creation"), or Knowledge from the Zand. Translated by E. W...

Chapter XXI - Regarding Liquids

In revelation they mention seventeen species of liquid (maya),

  1. as one liquid resides in plants;
  2. second, that which is flowing from the mountains that is, the rivers;
  3. third, that which is rain-water;
  4. fourth, that of tanks and other special constructions;
  5. fifth, the semen of animals and men,
  6. sixth, the urine of animals and men;
  7. seventh, the sweat of animals and men;
  8. the eighth liquid is that in the skin of animals and men;
  9. ninth, the tears of animals and men;
  10. tenth, the blood of animals and men;
  11. eleventh, the oil in animals and men, a necessary in both worlds;
  12. twelfth, the saliva of animals and men, with which they nourish the embryo;
  13. the thirteenth is that which is under the bark of plants, as it is said that every bark has a liquid, through which a drop appears on a twig (tekh) when placed four finger-breadths before a fire;
  14. fourteenth, the milk of animals and men.

All these, through growth, or the body which is formed, mingle again with the rivers, for the body which is formed and the growth are both one.

This, too, they say, that of these three rivers, that is, the Arag river, the Marv river, and the Veh river, the spirits were dissatisfied, so that they would not flow into the world, owing to the defilement of stagnant water (armesht) which they beheld, so that they were in tribulation through it until Zartosht was exhibited to them, whom I (Ohrmazd) will create, who will pour six-fold holy-water (zor) into it and make it again wholesome; he will preach carefulness. This, too, it says, that, of water whose holy-water is more and pollution less, the holy-water has come in excess, and in three years it goes back to the sources; that of which the pollution and holy-water have both become equal, arrives back in six years; that of which the pollution is more and holy-water less, arrives back in nine years. So, also, the growth of plants is connected, in this manner, strongly with the root; so, likewise, the blessings (afrin) which the righteous utter, come back, in this proportion, to themselves.

Regarding the river Nahvtak it says, that Frasiyav of Tur conducted it away; and when Hoshedar comes it will flow again suitable for horses; so, also, will the fountains: of the sea Kyansih. Kyansih is the one where the home (jinak) of the Kayanian race is.

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