A Manual of Khshnoom

The Zoroastrian Occult Knowledge

by Phiroz Nasarvanji Tavaria | 1971 | 160,667 words

An introduction to the mysteries of Khshnoom, an ancient occult movement. Khshnoom stands for 'Divine' or 'Spiritual' knowledge and originated from Zarathushtra. This book contains knowledge not to be found in Zoroastrian religious works. The second part contains documentaion of the life of Prophet Zarathushtra....

Supplement No. 27

Magians or Magi, their Origin and Spiritual Eminence

The Magians, their origin and their spiritual eminence are not known in philology. A true Magian or Magi (Avesta Magavan; - Ysn. 33,7) is an asexual saintly whole soul. He is asexual because, his erstwhile spiritual masculinity and spiritual femininity are blended together after both gaining emancipation, meaning, deliverance from the physical body. This is possible only on attaining sin-free state i.e. on both the counterparts succeeding in transmuting their respective Evil into Good before intermingling together. A Magian is not an ordinary celibate, whatever, it may really signify, because the latter is a worldly sinful man or woman leading an unmarried life for some reason or other.

The distant origin of a Magian is in, what is called, 'Aka Chithra', literally meaning 'a wicked seed'. This wicked seed represents a whole soul prior to its being bifurcated into sexes, which whole soul is under a veil of Darkness, i.e., possesses deficiency of divine knowledge, which is the source of all types of wickedness in this world. So, for effecting reformation of such souls, Nature has created the invisible mortal worlds commonly known as the Space (below the heaven of the Moon) with the earthy globe at the bottom of the Space. To say briefly, without going into details, when the above Aka-Chithra soul trails down from the 8th heaven, of the Zodiac to the top of the Space (called Zareh Vourukasha) it is first bifurcated into sexes as the first step towards its reformation and in the end both the counterparts are trailed down to the known material world, where they undergo condign punishments, proportionate to the degree of Evil clung to the soul concerned. It may be noted that the above two masculine and feminine counterpart souls having been bifurcated from one and the same whole soul (Aka Chithra), the two are referred to in Avesta (Ysn. 12.9) as each other's 'Khaetu', own relative, which relative is only spiritual and not one in flesh and blood.

After ages and ages, either the masculine or the feminine counterpart (generally the former) succeeds in crossing the felicitous top sub-region of the Chinvat or Requiter Bridge earlier than the other, from which stage the physical body becomes extinct, and then that saintly soul advances higher and higher in the paradisiacal section of the space, and on reaching the top thereof (i.e., on Zareh Vourukasha, where the bifurcation had originally taken place) awaits the arrival of its tardier counterpart. When the latter arrives likewise purified, and the two meet, both the ('Khaetu') counterpart souls 'give themselves up" (-datha'), each to each and soul to soul. This noumenon is called 'Khaetvadatha' literally meaning giving oneself up or self-surrendering to Khaetu, its 'own relative', which own relative is the counterpart soul as stated already.

This Khaetvadatha, as will be readily understood, does away with sex-differentiation, and by intermingling forms one asexual whole Soul called Magavan (derived from Maz, great; van or vand, band, bind; hence binding or unifying of two great ones, i.e., holy counterparts). Thus it will be seen Aka-Chithra and Magavan or Magian are antipodes of each other-the former wicked, the latter saintly. It will thus be understood that Magians cannot belong to a 'tribe', because a tribe consists of women and children also besides men, though our Master said that by a mysterious decree of Nature, the number of Magavans existing at a time on the earth remains constant at 72. They usually remain in a group secluded in mountain recesses, lest they may catch vicarious pollution. Besides, since they are asexual, there cannot be 'sons' of theMagi.


Prof. Zaehner's Disparaging views about Magians

We have given above the genuine facts about the origin of Magians and their exalted spiritual status in Nature among myriads and myriads of humanity. In his book "Zurvan" (pp. 18-19) Prof. Zaehrner cites the opinions of Moulton and Messina, the former disparaging them, the latter eulogizing, and then draws defaming conclusion at the end of the following quotation:

"About the origin of the Magians there is no agreement. For Moulton they were an aboriginal tribe, neither Aryan nor Semitic, Diviners, necromancers, and quacks: they were responsible for the Videvdat, its superstitions and absurdities; they were solely responsible for the degeneration of the religion of Zoroaster; they introduced the exposure of corpses, next-of-kin marriage, and they worked out the mechanical and over-systematized dualism with which we are all too familiar in later Zoroastrianism. So Moulton. For Messina the case was very different. He regards the Magians as being the original disciples of Zoroaster.

They were his missionaries and were the first to bring his doctri1ne to the West: they formed a colony in Media and propagated the Good Religion there. Messina further proves the falsehood of Moulton's contention that the Magians were from the earliest times known to the Greeks only as Sorcerers. Among those who were in a position to know, they were respected and admired; for Plato... means the service of the gods, and in this he is followed by Apuleius and Dio Chrysostom.

They are said by Strabo to lead a holy life. Diogenes Laertius, on the authority of Sotion, says that they worship the gods with sacrifice and prayer and are alone heard; they reveal the nature, essence and genesis of the gods, discourse concerning justice, and condemn graven images; he enumerates further many other beliefs which are elsewhere attested both in Iranian and Greek sources. For further eulogistic accounts of the Magians the reader is referred to Messina and to MM. Bidez and Cumont's great work, LES MAGES HELLENISES."

In spite of the above facts, Prof. Zaehner draws the disparaging conclusion as under:

This does not, however, alter the fact that the average Greek, who had no specialized knowledge of Oriental reli gions, regarded the Magians as sorcerers and nothing more."

It may be pointed out that the author of "Zurvan" in his enthusiasm to defame the Magians, draws his conclusion of the topic of Magians not from "those who were in a position to know" such as Messina, Plato, Apuleius, Dio Chrysostom, Strabo, Diogenes Laertius, Sation (p. 18), but from the average Greek, who had no specialized knowledge of Oriental religions, and who regarded the Magians as sorcerers" (p. 19).


Magi most Qualified for Intercourse with God

In the above connection, it will not be out of place to quote the following from "Zarathushtra in the Gathas and in the Classics" (pp. 136-137) by Dastur Darab Sanjana, in which there is some allegorical reference to the 'wagon' and to Zoroaster and Greeks:

"After speaking of the Divine Empire over the Universe, Dio Chrysostom goes on to state:

"Another marvelous myth is sung in the mysterious consecrations of the Magi who praise this God as the first and perfect Conductor of the most perfectWagon. For the car of Helios," he says his younger than this, and visible to the whole world, its course being apparent. The strong and perfect team of Zeus has never been praised so worthily by the Greeks, neither by Homer, nor by Hesiod, but Zoroaster and the sons of the Magi that were the disciples, celebrated it (worthily). Zoroaster is said by the Persians to have left society owing to his love of justice and wisdom, and to have lived a solitary life on a mountain.

Then this mountain had begun to bum on account of the huge quantity of fire falling from Heaven, and had continued so to_burn; wherefore the King and the Chiefs of the Persians had approached thither, intending to adore the Deity.

Then it was that Zoroaster had came forth unhurt from the fire and approached them gracefully, bidding them not to be afraid (of the awful prospect); but to offer some offerings unto God, since he had visited their territory. Then Zoraaster had intercourse not with all of them, but with those only who were most qualified for truth and most apt for an intercourse with God, and whom the Persians called Magi, i.e. such as understood haw to serve the Divine Being, but not sorcerers, as the Greeks called them from their ignorance of the name……..

We see from the above quotation that the Magi "were most qualified for truth and most apt for an intercourse with God". Moreover, the Magi understood how to serve the Divine Being. Consequently, the Magi were not sorcerers, but holy sages, and the mystic spells they employed and the mysterious ceremonies they performed were also holy and belonging to white magic. It is not perhaps known that in sorcery the means or materials employed for creating evil power are loose hair, nails, and certain other impure things, at times accompanied with invocation of devils, whereas in white magic, the functionary agents are fire in a censer with sandalwood and incense burning over it with fruits, flowers etc., possessing holy aura, while the Magi chants sacred formulae and invokes the aid of divine holy Intelligences.


Magi could Read Vibrationary Colours of Nasks like Alphabet

It may be stated that the most original 21 Nask of the Avesta as chanted by Holy Zarathushtra were in the form of 'Fshusho Manthra', literally meaning 'blissful mystic formulae'. These Fshusho Manthra, though pronounceable were not a language. Their recital produced sublime vibrationary colours, which Zarathushtrotemo, the higher grade Magi-could read and translate (though allegorically) into language based an grammar. In this connection Dr. F. S. Chiniwalla gives the following information in his book ":Khshnoom Nikize Vehdin" Vol. I (pp. 40-41) published in Bombay in Gujarati in the year 1932, from which it will be understood that theMagi were not sorcerers,- but holy sages:

"By the development of powers of Asha, holiness, the Prophet's Farhang of Staota Yasna, i.e., science of vibrationary colours could be acquired. Then those 21 Nasks of Fshusho Manthra could be read with the spectacles of Staota Yasna (sublime vibrationary colours). When they were lawfully chanted, a Cinematograph of Nature's concatenation could be seen in spiritual trance.

Then the pictures were done into allegorical grammatical language, for making which allegories there were rules. The 21 Nasks of Fshusho Manthra turned into grammatical language are called 21 Nasks of Manthra-Spenta which was all effected by Zarathushtrotemo, i.e., higher grade holy Magians who are most like Zarathushtra in the practice of holiness".

Thus we see that Magian or Magi were not sorcerers, but they were holy sages who could go in spiritual trance and could translate the vibrationary colours into language, which no modern learning raised to any power can ever hope to accomplish.

The above is corroborated in the book entitled "Nedoure, the Priestess of the Magi or Blazing Star" (pp.46-47) published in 1956 by the Philosophical Publishing Company, "Beverly Hall" Quakertown, Penna. (U.S.A.). In the footnote to "auric color" in preceding paragraph, we read:

"Every thought that man can think; every desire of which man can become conscious, every feeling of which man is subject, produces or creates a vibration distinct from all others. These vibrations, as do ALL vibrations, produce or create a color, known in the Occult as an AURA. The Initiate, Master Teacher, or Magi, can read these colors as easily as he can the alphabet."

In the text, it is stated:

"The mystic pentacle - is one of the four great emblems of the most secret book of divine wisdom among the Magi" or wise men of Egypt. The other three symbols are a cup, the Magi's wand, and a sword. The use of these emblems - in determining the starry spaces in measuring the interstellar depths and distances, in navigating the deep to unknown shores, in evoking and commanding the elements of the earth, air, fire and water, and in discovering the most secret things of the Triune worlds of Divinity, Man and Nature - is the reward of the Magi initiate. You have but to choose to obtain this sacred wisdom."


Magi's Measuring Interstellar Depths and Distances in Trance

Before we cite the extract that follows, some preliminary explanation is necessary In the Memorial Volume in honour of ourMaster, the learned Mr.M. P. Katgara has contributed a very important article headed "Commentary on the Zarvane Daregho Khadat" (self-created long Time) of 81,000 years and the finding of the Date of Zarathushtra from the same. This 'long Time' of 81,000 years (followed by a world Deluge) comprises seven major rulerships of seven known planets in the heavens ranging between 4,000 and 17,000 years, from which inter and minor cycles of rulerships are worked out mathematically according to the method of "Calculations of the heavens". The result obtained of such calculations is of approximate nature. But when the exact date of a great event of the past is to be found, or one of future is to be predicted with perfect precision, the holy sage who is a Magi goes into trance as stated in the quotation given below.

"These (mathematical) calculations are of an approximate nature. The exact calculations cannot be obtained by this method, because they are after all of a material type, whereas the planets are roving bodies possessing glory, and emanating currents of internal magnetism and electricity, which effect great changes in their manifest motions. The internal calculations of this Zarvane-daregho-khadat (of 81,000 years) can be made only by a particular 'key' in which the years of augmentation and of the flights of centripetal and centrifugal forces and of the laws of internal motion have to be taken into account.

Then alone the exact original Date of an event of the past, as well as the prediction of a great event destined to occur in future can be found.

But for using this key of the "Calculations of the heavens" the internal spiritual aid (of the holy sage) is required, because only according to a certain method, the hidden motions of the planets can be seen in (spiritual) traince, "which" as we have seen above, "is the reward of the Magi initiate."

Thus the Magi could measure depths and distances in trance, which means they were not sorcerers, but great saintly souls. Magi, "the Wise Men of the East" in the Bible In his another work "Dawn..." (p. 163) the same author (Prof. Z.) wonders:

"How they (Magi) attained to this privileged, position remains quite obscure, but there seems to be no doubt that their functions passed from father to son right up to the Muslim conquest and after."

From all that has been stated above, the learned scholar will now be able to understand that the "privileged position" attained to by the Magi was due to their spiritual eminence, an account of which they are referred to in the Holy Bible (Matt. Ii.1) as "the wise men of the East". We know no learned scholars or scientists have ever been recognized as "wise men", because their learning does not elevate their spiritual condition.

Regarding the remark "passed from father to son" in the above quotation, it must be stated that the TRUE Magi Sages, as explained above, have not to go through married life, which is meant for worldly sinful people, and hence as stated, already a Magi can have no 'son'. It is possible in later ages the term Magi was generically used for all Iranian priests, as in present days many Parsis call an ordinary priest as 'Dastur' (high-priest) out of respect.

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