M2 - Tone Tablets

Topic: Ayurveda

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Source: exoticindiaart.com

Detailled product description:

Net 30 Tablets Abhrak Bhasma 4 mg, Shuddha Kasis, Mandur Bhasma, Kukkutandtwak Bhasma, Vang
Bhasma,Yashad Bhasma & Sonageru each 10 mg, Bombax malabaricum, Nardostachys, Jatamansi, Piper
cubeba, Caryophyllus aromaticus, Mesua ferrea, Zingiber officinale & Cuminum cyminum each 20 mg,
Nelumbiu speciosum & Andropogan muricatus each 40 mg.
Emblica officinalis, Asparagus racemosus, Hygrophila spinosa, Cedrus deodara, Ficus bengelensis &
Adhatoda vasica each 20 mg, Terminalia chebula & Bryonia laciniosa each 40 mg, Symplocos racemosa
100 mg, Saraca indica 800 mg.
Preservatives: Sodium Methylparaben & Sodium Propylparaben.
Colour used: Lake of Camoisine As directed by the Physician.
Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
Proprietary Ayurvedic Medicine.
Charak's M2-TONE is the most trusted and clinically endorsed formulation for DUB and infertility. These tablets are formulated for treating Menstrual Disorders & Female Infertility.
This is Charak pharma's propriety ayurvedic medicine which has time tested herbs that have the reputation of treating female menstrual complaints such as menorrhagia [profuse menses] or dysfunctional uterine bleeding, metrorrrhagia [irregular menses], amenorrhea [absence of menses and unexplained infertility. It treats the endocrinal imbalances and restores normal menstrual function.
1 It stops abnormal or excessive menstrual bleeding.
2 It regulates and restores normal menstrual flow.
3 Absence of Nausea and Vomiting, Breast tenderness, Headache, unlike hormones.
4 Safe for long term use
5 Can be taken even during menstrual cycle.
6 Improves pregnancy outcomes.
1 Irregular Menstrual Cycles
2 Secondary Amenorrhoea, Oligomenorrhoea and Menorrhoea
3 After Dilatation and Curettage (D&C) and Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP)
4 Female infertility: Anouulatory in ART and unexplanied infertility
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