Kumarkalayan Rasa (Ten Tablets) (Suvarna Kalpa)

Topic: Ayurveda

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Source: exoticindiaart.com

Detailled product description:

A Product from Shree Dhootapapeshwar Ltd., who is known for excellence in manufacturing of Authentic, Standardised, Safe and Efficacious Ayurvedic formulations and has been in service of Ayurved for over 125 years. With GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certified manufacturing and a well equipped Quality Assurance Department, the formulations undergo stringent discipline and standardization norms. Manned by technical personnel with the knowledge of Ayurved as well as modern scientific wisdom, Shree Dhootapapeshwar Ltd. Has been able to converge modern techniques with Shastrashuddha processing for the best possible manufacturing ethos.
Shree Dhootapapeshwar Ltd., is a company trusted by physicians and consumers, alike for over a century.
‘Kumarkalyan Rasa’ is a blessing for weak, feeble and malnourished children. By invigorating all seven dhatus i.e. basic elements of the body, it makes the child healthy and immune to disease. It is mostly useful in Vata disorders, but can be used in Pitta disorders along with Pravala pishti.
Each Tab contains Rasasindoor, Mouktik (Mukta) pishti, Suvarna (Svarna) bhasma, Abhraka bhasma, Loha bhasma, Suvarnamakshik bhasma each 10.417 mg, processed in Kumari q.s., Preservatives used: Sodium Benzoate.
Indications: Diseases in children viz. fever, breathlessness, cough, nausea/vomiting, general debility, jaundice, diarrhea, loss of appetite, etc.
Pathya (Preferred):
Diet: Breast milk, cow ghee, sugar, light but nutritious food, vegetable soup, etc.
Lifestyle: Gentle massage with medicated oil, hot water bath.
Apathya (To be avoided):
Diet: Chilled food, oily food, junk and contaminated food, heavy food, dry food, etc.
Lifestyle: Cold water bath, dry & cool surrounding.
Availability : 10T, 30T, 300T.
These are the indications as mentioned in text reference. The medicine is best consumed under medical supervision.
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