Agmark Him Amrit Kashmir Garden Honey

Topic: Ayurveda

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Detailled product description:

1. Calorific Value of ‘him Amrit’ is 1400-1500 calories/lb which is higher than Eggs. Matan, Fish Green Peaas, Milk Apple etc.
2. ‘Him Amrit’ contains carbohydrates in easily digestive form such as fructose (35-45%) and glucose (32-37%)
3. ‘Him Amrit’ contains proteins derived from pollens of fragrants flowers of high Medicinal value.
4. ‘Him Amrit’ contains important mineral, salts such as Iron, calcium, copper, phosphorus, magneslum, sulphur and Silica.
5. ‘Him Amrit’ contains vitamis A,B,B2,B6 and C controlling growth, nutrition and weight, Vitamin contents remain unaffected by heat and prolongedstorage.
6. ‘Him Amrit’ is a natural and mild laxative.
7. ‘Him Amrit’ provides maximum of energy units with minimum of strains to the digestive track.
‘Him Amrit’ can be taken with milk, curd, cream, butter, tea, and toast bread, salad, green vegetables banana, oranges and corn flakes,
Use with lemon juice and water is highly recommended.
Note: To obtain better result ‘Him Amrit’ Should be used with hot liquids in winter, cold in summer or in its natural from in rainy season.
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