
The Chronicle of The Kings of Norway

by Snorri Sturlson | c.1179-1241 | 320,198 words

The "Heimskringla" of Snorri Sturlason is a collection of sagas concerning the various rulers of Norway, from about A.D. 850 to the year A.D. 1177....

Part 26 - King Gudlog's Death

Jorund and Eric, the sons of Yngve Alricsson, lay all this time in their warships, and were great warriors. One summer they marauded in Denmark, where they met a King Gudlog from Halogaland, and had a battle with him, which ended in their clearing Gudlog's ship and taking him prisoner.

They carried him to the land at Stromones, and hanged him there, and afterwards his men raised a mound over him.

So says Eyvind Skaldaspiller: —

"By the fierce East-kings' cruel pride,
Gudlog must on the wild horse ride —
The wildest horse you e'er did see:
'Tis Sigur's steed — the gallows tree.
At Stromones the tree did grow,
Where Gudlog's corpse waves on the bough.
A high stone stands on Stromo's heath,
To tell the gallant hero's death."

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