The Naladiyar

The Indian Antiquary, A Journal Of Oriental Research

18,838 words

The Naladiyar is one of the few original works we have in Tamil. It contains altogether forty chapters, of ten stanzas each, on moral subjects....

Chapter 7 - Placidity

1. Let the respectful honour, and let despising tramplers trample: good is the freedom from abusive anger in those who know that all is as the treading of a fly upon their heads.

2. Will those renounce their precious life of indestructible excellence, not caring to preserve it when they find any cause of offence (or when their penance is hindered), who, not removing from the place in which they stand, are able perseveringly to complete their penance, even when they experience great reproach.

3. As the angry words which a man speaks, opening his mouth unguardedly, continually burn him, so those who possess that knowledge which arises from oral instruction and incessant search after truth will never be angry and utter burning words of fury.

4. The excellent will not be hot and angry when their inferiors oppose them and utter bad words. The base, turning it over in their minds will speak of it and chafe in the hearing of everybody in the place, and jump with rage and knock their heads against a post.

5. The self-control exhibited by youth is self-control indeed. Liberality manifested by one p. 223 who has no increasing riches is liberality that is profitable for all things. The patience shown by one who has the power and ability to oppress others is patience indeed.

6. They who are noble will, in the sight of all men, take patiently and regret the evil words that issue from the mouth of the vulgar like stones that are thrown, being influenced by the consideration of their high birth, as the cobra quickly closes its hood when ashes are thrown upon it.

7. To be unresisting to those who would oppose them as enemies, the wise call not imbecility. When others have impatiently opposed them and done them evil, it is good if they do not evil in return.

8. The wrath of the vulgar will continue to spread though it run on a long time; the anger of the excellent in disposition will cool of itself, like the heat of boiling water.

9. Having done them a kindness they mind it not; do them never so much unkindness they will do what is kind; but to do unjustly, even through inadvertence, is not proper for those who are born in a high family.

10. There are none here who, though they see a dog snap angrily at them, will in return snap at the dog again with their mouth. When baseborn persons mischievously utter base things, will the noble repeat such words with the

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