Mandukya Upanishad

With an Advaita Commentary from our Understanding

by Kenneth Jaques | 31,733 words

The Mandukya Upanishad is a short, just twelve verses, description of the material manifestation and the eventual return to unmanifest form of the Universe....

Verse 100

100. Having realised the state, difficult to see, very profound, unoriginated, sameness, self confident, without multiplicity, we salute it to the best of our power.

Here this verse acknowledges the Realisation of the Unoriginated Non-Dual Absolute Self as the profound highest Truth.
Having declared and explained this Truth the Karika admits this truth is difficult to see. It seems to us that with this admission the Karika salutes the Ultimate inscrutability of the Divine.

Here ends the Fourth Chapter in the Gaudapada Karika

Finally, as a footnote, may we offer this for consideration?
The scriptures state that as above so below. With all situations in nature there is an efficiency, there is ultimately nothing unnecessary or totally wasteful that occurs. Considering that in Consciousness all knowledge and all possibilities are already existing, that is all is known. For what would be the need to actually bring this knowledge into material existence?
What ever needed to happen?

Ohm Peace Peace Peace.


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