The Garuda Purana

by Manmatha Nath Dutt | 1908 | 245,256 words | ISBN-13: 9788183150736

The English translation of the Garuda Purana: contents include a creation theory, description of vratas (religious observances), sacred holidays, sacred places dedicated to the sun, but also prayers from the Tantrika ritual, addressed to the sun, to Shiva, and to Vishnu. The Garuda Purana also contains treatises on astrology, palmistry, and preci...

Chapter CCXIII - Other Medicinal Recipes (continued)

Hari said:—Pasted Aparajita roots taken with cow’s urine cure scrofula. O Rudra, Indra-varuni roots taken with cold water, as well as errhines of solutions of Eranda, Jingani and Shuka Shimbi pasted together tend to alleviate the pain in the neck and the arms. An application of a plaster composed of Ashvagandha or Pippali, or of Vacha and Kushtam, pasted together with buffalo butter, alleviates pain in the mammae and the urethral canal. A plaster composed of Kushtham and Nagavala pasted together with butter and applied to the breast acts as a good breast-developer and imparts a graceful contour to the breasts of youthful maidens. The patient, by mentioning whose name an Indravaruni root is thrown from a distance, is sure to be relieved of his splenic enlargement. Roots of white Punarnava taken pasted with rice-washings undoubtedly prove curative in abscess. Ashes of burnt plaintain barks administered through drinks relieve all forms of Ascites. Plantain roots cooked in combination with treacle and clarified butter over a gentle fire act as good vermifuge remedies. Daily use of a compound of Nimva leaves and Amlakam pounded together, in the morning, undoubtedly cures Kushtham (cutaneous affection). A plaster composed of Haritaki, Vidanga, Haridra, white Sarshapa, Somaraja-seeds (roots according to Benares Edition), Karanja seeds and Sanidhavam, pasted together with cow’s urine, proves efficacious in all forms of cutaneous affections. One part of Triphala and two parts of Somaraja seeds taken in combination with powdered Pathya cure ring-worms. A plaster composed Kharam rubbed in a vessel of Indian bell metal, pasted with cow’s urine, cooked in combination with rock-salt and acid whey (Takram), prove curative in all forms of cutaneous affections. A plaster composed of Haridra, Haritalam, Durva grass and rock-salt pasted together with cow’s urine proves remedial in cases of Pama and ringworm. Somaraja seeds taken in combination with butter and honey prove curative in all forms of leucoderma. O Rudra, the cure is almost certain through the administration of the foregoing compound, but the patient must live on a whey-rice regimen during the period of treatment. Plasters, composed of white Aparajita roots pasted with Sariva and applied to the affected region, for a month, tend to cure all forms of leucoderma. O thou bull-ensigned deity, applications of plasters composed of Maricham and Sinduram pasted together with buffalo-butter would certainly cure Pama and dyspnœa. O thou supreme deity, dry Gambhari roots cooked in combination with milk prove antidotal to Shukla-Pittam. Plasters of Mulaka seeds pasted with the expressed juice of Apamarga and applied to the affected part, prove efficacious in Shilhika. O thou supreme deity, ashes of burnt plantain bark and Apamarga twigs pasted together with the expressed juice of Eranda and applied to the affected patches prove curative in Siddhma. O thou supreme deity, O thou bull-ensigned one, burn the ashes of a Kushmanda creeper, mixed with the bark of its stem pasted with cow’s urine, and Haridra pasted with water, in a closed crucible luted and plastered with buffalo-dung. By rubbing his body with this burnt compound, a man is sure to acquire a brilliant complexion. Rubbing of the body with a compound consisting of Haridra, Daru-Haridra, and Kushtham pasted together with water tends to impart a brilliant glow to the complexion and a fragrant smell to the skin. Plastering of the body with Durva, Kakajangha, leaves of Arjuna and Jambu, and Lodhram pasted together with water tends to remove the bad odours of the skin. Solutions of Lodhram saturated with the powders of Kanakam form the most cooling and agreeable paste for smearing the body in summer. Washing of the body with milk, in the morning, tends to remove the evils of perspiration; rubbing of the body with pasted Kakajangha acts as an agreeable cosmetic plaster. The expressed juice of Vasaka and Yashtimadhu, taken with honey and sugar, proves curative in Jaundice, Chlorosis, Hæmoptisis, and Hæmorrhage. Even a most acute attack of catarrh may be cut short by taking cold water in the morning. O thou supreme deity, a pulverised compound of Pippali, rock salt and Vibhitakam pounded together and taken with Kanjikam removes hoarsness. Amalakam-powder administered through the vehicle of clarified butter, or a compound consisting of Manahshila, Vala roots, Kola-leaves and Guggulu pasted together, or inhalation of the vapours of a fumigation stick, composed of Jatipatram, Kola leaves and Manahshila pasted together and burnt in a fire of Kola-wood charcoal would undoubtedly relieve congh (cough?). Triphala and Pippali powders taken with honey, before the midday meal, relieve thirst and fever. The expressed juice of Vilva roots or a decoction of Guduchi taken with honey arrests the three types of vomiting. Durva pasted with rice-washings proves antidotal to vomiting.

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