The Garuda Purana

by Manmatha Nath Dutt | 1908 | 245,256 words | ISBN-13: 9788183150736

The English translation of the Garuda Purana: contents include a creation theory, description of vratas (religious observances), sacred holidays, sacred places dedicated to the sun, but also prayers from the Tantrika ritual, addressed to the sun, to Shiva, and to Vishnu. The Garuda Purana also contains treatises on astrology, palmistry, and preci...

Chapter LXV - Auspicious marks on men and women as disclosed by the science of Samudrikam

Hari said:—I will now describe the auspicious marks of men and women as described by Samudra (Palmistry), by knowing which one may without any labour calculate the past and future.

Unperspiring palms, lotus-like belly, fingers adjoining one another, copper-coloured nails, warm feet like tortoise, strong ankles and beautiful sides are the marks of a king. Rough, uneven feet like winnowing baskets, dry locks, twany coloured nails, and distantly placed fingers are the marks of poverty. Well-formed and red feet, equal shanks without hairs, thighs like the trunks of elephants and equal knee-joints are the characteristic marks of a king. The indigent have shankles like those of a jackal and have hairs in the navel. The kings, the Srotiyas and the intelligent have two hairs each. Persons, having three hairs, become poor, miserable and are always objects of censure.

A person, having curling hairs, dies in a foreign country. A knee-joint without sufficient flesh indicates good luck (in a man). With a knee-joint of insufficient flesh one knows degraded women. One, having deformed knee-joints, becomes poor and one having plump ones obtains a kingdom.

A person, having a short genital organ, lives long and becomes rich and has few offspring. One, having a huge genital organ, becomes proud of his wealth. When the left testes is swollen the person does not get sons. When the testes are uneven the person obtains sons; and when they are bent down it indicates poverty. When the genital organ is small a person obtains sons; when the head of the genital organ is plump the person becomes happy; when there are thick chords in the organ the person becomes happy. When the testes are thick-set the person becomes a king; and when they, are long and rugged the person becomes poor. One, who has a small testicle, becomes a strong and powerful warrior. One, who has got one teste, becomes weak; and one, who has got uneven testes, gets a fickle wife. One, who has got even testes, becomes a king; and one, who has got a long testicle, lives for a hundred years.

One, who has got high wrists, lives for many years; one, who has got rugged wrists, becomes a master. With yellow-coloured wrists people become poor, and with dark wrists they enjoy happiness.

Persons, who pass urine either with or without any sound, become poor. When urine comes out in one, two, three, four, five, or six lines and passes towards the right, it indicates the signs of kinghood. Those, who pass urine in a scattered way, become indigent, those, who pass urine in a strong flow, become happy and obtain good wives. When urine remains on an equal level a man obtains wife, gems and riches, and when it goes down he obtains maidens.

When the semen is dry a person becomes indigent and when there is scent of flower in the semen he becomes king. When there is smell of honey in it he acquires immense riches. When there is the smell of fish in the semen he gets a son. When semen is scanty he obtains maidens. When there is the smell of meat he enjoys various luxuries of life; when there is the smell of wine he becomes a priest. When there is smell of ashes he becomes poor.

One, who finishes soon his sexual intercourse, lives long. He, whose sexual intercourse lasts long, is short-lived.

One, having big buttocks, becomes proud of his wealth. One having fleshy buttocks becomes happy; and one having leonine buttocks becomes a king. One, having a monkey-like waist, becomes indigent. Persons, having serpentine bellies, become poor. Those, having pan-or pot-like bellies, become rich.

People, having spacious arm-pits, become indigent; those, having equal arm-pits, enjoy various objects of life; those, who have hollowed arm-pits, become proud of wealth; those, who have elevated arm-pits, those, who have uneven arm-pits, and those, who have crooked arm-pits, become kings. Those, who have got fish-like bellies and navels, become happy. Those, who have got capacious or low navels, are doomed to suffer miseries. If there is wrinkle inside a navel it brings on death at the stake for the person. If there is wrinkle on one side the man lives for ever. If it is in an equinoctial position he becomes the possessor of riches. If it is downwards he becomes the possessor of kine. It it is of the shape of a pericarp of a lotus he becomes a king. If there is one wrinkle the person lives for a hundred years. If there are two he enjoys prosperity. If there are three wrinkles he becomes a preceptor.

If the wrinkles are straight the person becomes happy. If the wrinkle is awry he knows women unworthy of being known. If the arm-pits are fleshy, tender, even and covered with rows of hairs on the right side, the person becomes a king. If the rows of hairs tend towards the opposite direction the person becomes devoid of all objects and happiness.

If the nipples of the breasts are not high the persons become very lucky. But if they are uneven, high and of yellow colour they become poor.

The kings have high and fleshy chests which do not tremble, are sinewy and covered with strong hairs going downwards. A rich man has an even chest. One, having plump chest, becomes very powerful. Persons, having uneven chests, become indigent and are killed by weapons.

Persons, having rugged collar-bones, become indigent. Those, having elevated collar-bones, enjoy various objects of life; those, having depressed ones, become indigent; and those, having plump ones, become rich. One, who has a flat neck becomes indigent. He, who has got the arteries of his neck, not very prominent, becomes happy. He, who his buffalonecked, becomes a hero. He, who has a neck like that of a deer, masters the Holy Scriptures. One, who has a neck like a conch-shell, becomes a king; whereas one, who has a long neck, becomes a voracious eater.

A back, not covered with hairs and even in shape, always indicates auspiciousness, while of any other kind it is the forerunner of inauspiciousness.

The most auspicious arm-pit is that of the shape of a fig-leaf, which is covered with brown hairs and from which good smell comes out. Any other description is the mark of poverty.

Fleshy, well-formed and well-joined arms are the most auspicious. Well-rounded and fleshy arms, extending up to the knees, indicate the signs of royalty. Short arms, covered with hairs, indicate signs of poverty. Arms, like the trunks of elephants, are the best. Fingers of the hands, when straight, are most auspicious. Those of the intelligent are short and those of the servants are flat. The indigent have either fat, crooked or bent and lean fingers. Those, who have hands like those of a monkey, become indigent. That like a tiger indicates strength. The depressed palm of a person indicates the destruction of his paternal property. The kings have well-formed, thick-set and sweet-scented wrists. Those, whose fingers make a sound when handled, become degraded and poor. Persons, who have uneven fingers, always pay taxes. Those, who have red hands and palms, become very rich. Those, who have yellow-coloured and rough ones, become indigent and addicted to other people’s wives.

Those, who have nails like husks, become eunuchs. Those, who have rugged and broken nails, become indigent. Those, who have discoloured and disfigured nails, always pry into others business. Those, who have copper-coloured nails, become kings. Those, who have the mark of a barley on their thumbs, become rich. When there is such a mark at the foot of the thumb a person gets sons. If a person has long knots in the fingers he lives a long life and becomes lucky. He, who has disjoined fingers, becomes poor. He, who has got close fingers, becomes a rich man.

The person, on which palms three lines appear from the wrist, becomes a king. When the figures of two fishes appear on the palm the person becomes a great sacrificer. The sign of a thunder-bolt appearing on the palm indicates the possession of riches. The sign of the tail of a fish indicates intellect. The signs of conch-shell, umbrella, vehicle, elephant and lotus indicate royalty. The marks of a pitcher, goad, flag and lotus-stalk indicate the possession of jems. The mark of a chord indicates the possession of kine; that of Svasthika indicates royalty. The marks of discus, sword, Tomara, bow and teeth appear on the hands of a king. The mark of a mortar appears on the palms of a person who celebrates sacrifices and that of a sacrificial altar appears on the palm of an Agnihotri. The marks of a tank and triangle indicate righteousness.

Lines, originating from the root of the thumb, indicate the possession of sons and happiness. A line, extending from the tip of the thumb to that of the fore-finger and originating from the root of the youngest finger, makes one live for a hundred years. When it is broken it indicates danger from a tree. Many lines indicate poverty.

A spare chin indicates want; while a fleshy one indicates riches. Red lips indicate royalty. Smiling and tender lips, resembling Vimva fruits, indicate the same. Those who have rugged lips become poor. Thick-set and cool teeth are the best. Sharp but even teeth are also most auspicious. Red tongue is also most auspicious. Blue and tall tongue is also the best and a white palate indicates the destruction of wealth. There are two kinds of faces—dark and rough; tender and gentle. Clean and tender face indicates royalty and its opposite indicates poverty. A son, possessing the face of his mother, suffers great miseries. A rich person has a round face and a poor man a tall one. The vicious have cowardly faces and the wicked cunning ones. Those who have depressed faces get no sons. The misers have short faces. The happiest of men, who enjoys all the luxuries of life, has tender, thin and beautiful beards. A thief has got thick, short and crimson-coloured beards. The sinful persons have red and rugged beards.

The misers have short ears. Those who have got spearlike ears become kings. Those, who have got hairs on their ears, die soon. Persons, having big ears, become kings and rich men. Persons, endued with hanging and fleshy ears, also become kings. One, having depressed cheeks, enjoys all the luxuries of life. One, having well-formed cheeks, becomes a minister. One, having a nose like that of a parrot, becomes happy. One, who has got a thin nose, lives long. One, who has got a well-like nose with its tip broken, knows women unworthy of being known. One, who has got a long nose, enjoys good luck. A thief has got a flat nose. A flat nose also indicates death and misfortune. A straight nose, with beautiful tip and small nostrils, indicates the signs of royalty. A little curve on the right side indicates crookedness. Continual sneezing indicates strength. A flat nose indicates the possession of delight and that with sound indicates the possessor as being the supporter of all creatures.

Persons, having eyes like lotus-petals with a little curve at the corners, enjoy all the luxuries of life. Sinful persons have eyes like those of a cat and wicked wights have twany-coloured eyes. The crooked are squint-eyed and the sinful persons have yellow-coloured eyes. The heroes have oblique eyes and the warriors have eyes like those of an elephant. The kings have got grave eyes and the ministers fleshy ones. The learned have eyes like the petals of a red lotus; while the fortunate men have dark-blue eyes. Dark-blue pupils and the absence of eye-lids indicate the destruction of the possessor. The sinful wights have round eyes and the indigent have poorly-looking eyes.

Those, who have got cool skin, enjoy the various objects of life. Those, who have got elevated navels, live for a short time. Those, who have got capacious and elevated navels, become happy. Those, who have got uneven eye-brows, become poor. Long but unconnected eye-brows indicate riches. He, who has got crescent-shaped eye-brows, becomes rich. One, who has got a cut between the two eye-brows, becomes indigent. Those, who have got bent down eyebrows, know women unworthy of being known.

A high, capacious, conch-shell-like and rugged fore-head indicates poverty. Persons, having crescent-shaped foreheads, become rich. Persons, having spacious fore-heads, become preceptors. Persons, having sinewy fore-heads, become sinners. Persons, having high and triangular foreheads, become the possessors of wealth. Persons, having depressed fore-heads, are addicted to wicked deeds and worthy of being slain. A round fore-bead indicates miserliness. An elevated fore-head indicates royalty. A dry unperspiring fore-head is not auspicious for men. A sufficiently-perspiring and rough fore-head indicates happiness. Untrembling and expensive fore-head is the best and expressive of happiness. A laughing and wicked fore-head indicates madness.

Three lines on the fore-head indicate longevity for a hundred years. Four lines indicate royalty and longevity for ninety-five years. Absence of any line indicates longevity for ninety years. When the lines on the fore-head are broken a man becomes licentious. If the lines extend up to hairs a person lives for eighty years. If there are five, seven or six lines, a person lives fifty years or more. If they are dark-blue in colour a man lives forty years; and if they extend up to the eye-brows the person lives thirty years. When there are twenty lines bending towards the left it indicates longevity and when there are short lines it indicates short life.

An umbrella-like head indicates royalty, auspicioueness and riches. A bland head indicates the death of one’s father while a circular head indicates riches. A pitcher-like head indicates vile desire and poverty.

Black, straight, thin and not too much hairs indicate royalty. Hairs, having many roots, uneven, with gross tips, twany-coloured, bent down, thick and dark-blue also indicate signs of royalty. Highly rough, sinwey body, devoid of flesh, is most inauspicious. Any other description is auspicious. For kings there are three deep, spacious and long marks, five very fine, six elevated, four short and seven crimson-coloured. Navel, voice and understanding—these three should be deep. Fore-head, face and chest should be broad. Eye, side, tooth, nose, mouth and back of the neck should be high. Shank, neck, genital organ and back—these four should be short. Palms, corners of the mouth, nails, corners of the eyes, feet, tongue and lips should be red. Teeth, knots of fingers, nails, hairs and skin—these five should be very fine. The distance between breasts, arms, teeth, eyes and nose should be long. I have thus described the characteristic marks of men. I will now describe those of women.

She, who has got cool and equal feet and palms, coppery nails, joining fingers with elevated tips, becomes a queen. One, obtaining her [as a wife] becomes a king. Well-formed ankle, lotus-like, tender and unperspiring palms containing the marks fish, goad and flag single out a woman for a queen. The feet of a queen bear the marks of a thunderbolt, lotus and plough-share. Well-rounded hips, devoid of hairs and arteries, are most auspicious. Well-formed joints and even knee-joints are most auspicious. Thighs, like the trunk of an elephant, even and without hairs, are roost auspious. A capacious buttock, like unto a fig-leaf, is most auspicious. Loins, fire-head and chest, when they are of the form of a tortoise, are most auspicious. Fleshy wrists and hips are most auspicious for women. A navel, capacious, deep and fleshy with three wrinkles inside, is most auspicious. Even and pointed breasts without hairs are most auspicious. Red lips are most auspicious and round and fleshy mouth is the best. Teeth must be like Kunda flowers and speech must be sweet like the notes of a coei(?). Mercy, simplicity and even nose are the most beautiful marks for women. Eyes like blue lotuses well attached to the nose, eye-brows not very plump and like unto the rising moon, fore-head not very elevated and without hairs, not very fleshy and tender ears of equal size, and tender, curling and dark hairs are the most auspicious marks. Well-formed head and soles or palms, bearing the marks of horse, elephant, tree, sacrificial stake, wheat, Tomara, flag, chowri, garland, hill, well, altar, conch-shell, umbrella, lotus, fish, Svastika, car and goad are the signs of royalty in women. The auspicious marks in women are well-formed wrists and hands like lotuses and palms not depressed nor very elevated. Linear marks on the palms are the signs which show that a woman will not be widowed and enjoy her life. If a line rising from the wrist goes to the middle finger it indicates the possession of kingdom and happiness in women. A line originating from the root of the youngest finger indicates life for a hundred years. If a line passes from the tip of the thumb to that of the fore-finger it indicates the shortness of life. If a line originates from the foot of the thumb and is long it indicates the possession of sons; and if it is short it indicates the possession of women. If that line is broken at many places it indicates the shortness of life; and if it is broken at a long interval it indicates longevity. These are the auspicious marks for women and others are inauspicious.

The woman, whose youngest or ring finger does not touch the ground or whose thumb is bigger than the forefinger, becomes unchaste. Elevated calves, sinewy, hairy or fleshy hips, pitcher-like belly, depressed and small buttock are the signs of misery. Short neck is the sign of poverty and a long one is the sign of the extinction of the family. Fat women are forsooth terrific. Squint and twany-coloured eyes, dark-blue smiling looks, and smiling and depressed cheeks are the signs of unchastity. If a woman has a tall fore-head she kills the younger brother of her husband. If the belly is long she kills her father-in-law and if the hips are high she kills her husband. Hairy lips are most inauspicious for husbands. Hairy breasts, rugged ears, sharp and uneven teeth conduce to their miseries. If the flesh is dark-blue it shows she will be a thief and if it is tough it indicates the death of her husband. A sinewy, uneven and dry body indicates poverty. If the upper lip is high it shows she will be quarrelsome and harsh-speeched. Want of accomplishments and an ugly feature are both short-comings in women.

I have thus described the characteristic marks of men and women which confer wisdom on men.

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