Siddhanta Sangraha of Sri Sailacharya

by E. Sowmya Narayanan | 2008 | 30,562 words

Siddhanta Sangraha Chapter 42 (English translation), entitled “the other classifications of the categories” as included in the critical edition and study. The Siddhanta Samgraha is a Sanskrit philosophical text dealing with Vishishtadvaita in five hundred Sanskrit verses. It was written by Shri Shailacarya (18th century) and closely follows the philosophy of Vedanta Deshika (13th century).

Chapter 42 - The Other Classifications of the Categories

494. Thus, the Viśiṣṭādvaita has been established as the Brahman possesses the extra-ordinary attributes for all the objects. This tattva is classified into two as Īśa and Īśitavya (i.e.) the controller and the controlled.

495-496. The tattva is again classified as three fold. They are bhoktā (the enjoyer) bhogya (the enjoyed) and niyantā (the controller). The prāpya, prāptā, prāptyupāya, phala and virodhi are the five essential imports to be known (arthapañcaka), which are to be understood by those who are interested in attaining Salvation (mumukṣu). This path of tattva has been taught by the great ācāryas for getting true knowledge.

497. And, there is neither more nor less in the abovesaid tattvas is accepted. This is the view of Śrī Vedānta Deśikā.

498. The above view is clearly stated in the works Nyāya Siddhañjana, Nyāya Pariśuddhi, Tattvamukta Kalāpa etc., and all these must be clearly comprehended only by the teachings of the Preceptors.

499. This work, namely, Siddhānta Saṅgraha has been composed for the relishment of the learned. The wisemen who are capable of discriminating the good and bad have to overlook the errors and accept the fact alone.

500. Pre-eminently shines the emperor among ascetics. Brilliantly shines Śrī Vedānta Deśika. Wisemen who have understood the message of these two great ācāryas also shine in this world.

The work Siddhānta Saṅgraha has been written by Śrī Śailācārya (Tirumalācārya).

Śrī Śailācārya was the son (pupil) of Śrī Śailā Śrī Raṅgarāja Mahādeśika, who belongs to the family Māḍabhūśi [Māḍabhūṣi?] (the jewel of Śrī Rāmānuja Siddhānta), who is also known as Tiruvaraṅgam Āṇḍān. By the grace of his father, the author performed many sacrifices like vājapeya. Thus, the work (Siddhānta Saṅgraha) written by the author (Śrī Śailācārya) gets concluded.


Rasasastra category This concludes The Other Classifications of the Categories according to Vishishtadvaita philosophy explained by Shri Shailacarya. This book follows the model of Vedanta Deshika although the Vishishta Advaita school was originally expounded by Shri Ramanuja. Vishishta-Advaita is one of the various sub-schools of Vedanta which itself represents one of the six orthodox schools of Hindu Philosophy. They highlight the importance of the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita and the Brahma Sutras.

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