Parables of Rama

by Swami Rama Tirtha | 102,836 words

Stories in English used by Swami Rama to illustrate the highest teaching of Vedanta. The most difficult and intricate problems of philosophy and abstract truths, which may very well tax the brains of the most intellectual, are thus made not only simple and easy to understand but also brought home to us in a concrete form in such an interesting and ...

Story 57 - The Secret of Love

Laila Majnun

There was a lover, Majnun, who pined for his beloved Laila. All his body was reduced to a veritable skeleton; all his flesh was dried up, so to say. The king of the country in which this young man lived brought him into his court one day, and he also brought the lady-love of the young man into his presence. The king saw that the woman was very ugly. The king then brought before this lover all the fair damsels that adorned his court and then he asked this lover to choose one of these. This man said, "O Shah! O king! O king!! Don't make a fool of yourself. O king! You know, Love makes a man very blind. O king! You have no eyes to see. Look at her with my eyes, and then say whether she is fair or ugly. Look at her with my eyes”.

This is the secret of all charms in this world, the secret of all the fascination of the attractive objects in the world.

O man! You yourself make all objects attractive by your looks. Looking at it with those eyes you yourself shed your lustre upon the subject, and then you fall in love with it.

MORAL: The objects are lovely because of the reflection of Self in them.

Vol. 1 (11)

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