Section LXX - Epic Battle: Bhishma and Bhima Clash Fiercely in War

| Posted in: Hinduism Itihasa

Book index: Mahabharata (English)
This page contains a summary of the Mahabharata Section LXX including examples of moral lessons in daily life. The Maha-Bharata is one of the largest epics ever written containing roughly 100,000 Sanskrit verses. It deals with the legendary history of ancient India and contains a large number of interwoven tales.

Short summary of the chapter:
The battle between the Kauravas and the Pandavas, led by Bhishma and Bhima respectively, was fierce and destructive, with great heroes falling on both sides. The earth was covered with limbs, heads, and bodies adorned with ornaments, as the warriors fought fiercely for victory. The noise of the battle was deafening, with elephants and steeds in chaos, and the dust and weapons creating a terrifying atmosphere. The field of battle became a river of blood, with headless trunks and fallen warriors strewn across the ground.

The Kshatriya warriors, driven by fate, engaged in combat with various weapons like arrows, darts, maces, and swords, while others fought fiercely with their bare arms. The field was filled with fallen elephants, steeds, and cars, as the warriors clashed in a brutal and intense encounter. Car-warriors, deprived of their vehicles, resorted to swords and rushed at each other in a desperate attempt for victory. Both sides were determined to achieve success, with king Duryodhana leading the charge with a division of Kalingas, while the Pandava warriors, supporting Bhima, also charged forward with their fleet animals.

The atmosphere of the battlefield was chaotic and terrifying, as the combatants clashed with immense energy and determination, causing immense destruction and death. The sound of weapons clashing, elephants trumpeting, and warriors roaring filled the air, creating a gruesome and brutal scene. The field was covered with fallen warriors, both from the Kaurava and Pandava sides, as the battle raged on with no signs of slowing down. The warriors, determined to emerge victorious, fought relentlessly, with the outcome of the battle hanging in the balance.

The fierce and bloody battle between the Kauravas and Pandavas continued unabated, with neither side willing to back down. The warriors fought with all their might, inflicting heavy casualties on each other as the field became a gruesome sight with bodies and limbs scattered everywhere. The combatants, driven by their desire for victory, spared no one in their quest for dominance on the battlefield. The roar of battle and the clash of weapons reverberated throughout the area, as the brave warriors faced each other in a fight to the death.

As the battle raged on, the intensity and ferocity of the combat only seemed to increase, with both sides refusing to give in to the other. The courage and determination of the warriors on both sides were commendable, as they fought with unwavering resolve, undeterred by the carnage around them. The field of battle was a scene of chaos and devastation, with the warriors showing no signs of fatigue or hesitation in their relentless pursuit of victory. The outcome of the battle remained uncertain, as each side continued to fight valiantly in the face of overwhelming odds.

Full English translation:

This page is merely a summary which is automatically generated. If you are looking for authentic sources such as the Sanskrit text or the Full English translation of Mahabharata Section LXX - Epic Battle: Bhishma and Bhima Clash Fiercely in War, have a look at the following articles:

Section LXX, online text

English translation by Kisari Mohan Ganguli.

Read this and other chapters online.

Mahabharata (English Summary)

by Kisari Mohan Ganguli | ISBN-10: 8121505933

Buy the latest edition:

FAQ of Mahabharata, Section LXX:

What was the outcome of the fierce battle between the Kauravas and Pandavas?

Both armies suffered heavy casualties, with heads and limbs scattered on the battlefield. The earth was covered with fallen warriors and animals, creating a river of blood.

How did the warriors engage in battle during the intense conflict?

Combatants fought fiercely with various weapons, including bows, maces, swords, and bare hands. Elephants and steeds ran wild, while car-warriors engaged in close combat. The field was filled with fallen bodies and scattered limbs.

Daily life: Epic Battle: Bhishma and Bhima Clash Fiercely in War:

Drawing inspiration from the intense battle described in the story, where warriors from both sides fought with unparalleled bravery and determination, one can derive vital life lessons. Just as the warriors faced their opponents head-on, embracing the challenges with courage, in our daily lives, we should tackle obstacles and adversities with a similar fearless attitude. The story also highlights the importance of persistence and resilience; despite numerous setbacks, the fighters continued their struggle, teaching us to persevere through our difficulties without giving up.

Furthermore, the battle underscores the value of preparation and strategy, as the warriors used their skills and weapons effectively to engage their enemies. This encourages us to be well-prepared and strategic in our personal and professional endeavors. Additionally, the narrative demonstrates the significance of teamwork and support; just as the armies rallied around their leaders, we too should lean on and uplift those around us, recognizing the strength in unity.

In essence, by embodying the warriors' courage, resilience, strategic planning, and sense of unity, we can navigate the battles of our daily lives more effectively.

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