Vipassana Meditation Course

by Chanmyay Sayadaw | 28,857 words

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Part 8 - The Eight Precepts

Moral integrity serves as the basis for the development of concentration, which is essential for the cultivation of vipassana meditation.

During retreats, all participants are expected to observe the following training rules:

  • I understand to abstain from harming or killing living beings.
  • I undertake to abstain from taking what is not given.
  • I undertake to abstain from erotic behaviour.
  • I undertake to abstain from false speech.
  • I undertake to abstain from intoxicating drink and drugs.
  • I undertake to abstain from eating after midday.
  • I undertake to abstain from entertainment, beautification and adornments.
  • I undertake to abstain from using luxurious beds and seats.
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