Buddha Desana

And Essential Principles of Enlightenment

by Sayadaw U Pannadipa | 1998 | 17,153 words

Aggamaha Saddhamma Jotika Dhaja Dean, Faculty of Patipatti, I T B M U, Yangon 1998...

Chapter 14 - Three Tenses Of Life-process

Our present position in character and circumstances is the result of our past actions (Kamma). What we shall be in future depends on what we do now, upon how we face circumstances or how we condition our volitional activities in the present, and also that at present it is within our power to alter or modify the quality of the life-force that continues the next birth. Thus we come to understand that no other being or power apart from oneself is creating one's own kamma either wholesome or unwholesome. It is only man himself who creates his own position or status whether noble or mean, rich or poor, wise or foolish, beautiful or ugly, long-lived or short-lived and so on and so forth.

There are only three consecutive existences, past, present and future. By properly understanding the sequence of tenses, we come to realise that our being is really not a personality or entity, but the resultant combination produces out of the things which we have done before; out of past vices and virtues; out of darkness of our own ignorance and craving. Thus we come to the present bringing with us the virtues and vices, our own joys and sorrows, ups and downs of our status and positions of life. We all are led here by our own desires or craving and here we remain in the present and again condition our new activities until our selfish desire or craving is annihilated.

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