Buddha Desana

And Essential Principles of Enlightenment

by Sayadaw U Pannadipa | 1998 | 17,153 words

Aggamaha Saddhamma Jotika Dhaja Dean, Faculty of Patipatti, I T B M U, Yangon 1998...

Chapter 5 - The Views of other Three Religions

Christianity, Islam and Judaism primarily base their teachings on the idea of God, whereas Hinduism on Atta or Atman, Self or Eternal Soul. They say, "Turn to God; pray to Him; give yourself utterly to Him who will wash away your sins and reward for your good; become one with Him or Eternal Soul or Brahma;.

These religions says that until a man believes in God or Brahma, he cannot begin to live a truly righteous or useful life of purity, Evidently enough, there are thousands in these religions who do live of charity, purity and holiness, but the strange fact is that there are also lives of charity, purity and holiness lived by thousands who follow the Buddha, who yet never asked men to worship any God or Brahma for their deliverance.

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