Buddha Desana

And Essential Principles of Enlightenment

by Sayadaw U Pannadipa | 1998 | 17,153 words

Aggamaha Saddhamma Jotika Dhaja Dean, Faculty of Patipatti, I T B M U, Yangon 1998...

Chapter 7 - Relevant Principles Of Man

The Buddha dhamma which was discovered by the supremely enlightened man is therefore free from dogmas and divine commands, and not related to any kind of Divine Power or God. In fact, there is no punishment nor threat of hell fire, nor reward of the Heavenly Being, nor forceful conversion, It only appeals to mans reason to choose a right kind of belief or faith. Since Buddhism is founded on reasoning knowledge, compassion (karuna) and wisdom (panna) it encourages each and every person to have a critical outlook by himself, reason with his own experiments and to have free thoughts, free choice. It also guides one to strive with his own effort for the progress of ones mature life because one is solely responsible for ones own destiny and salvation.

Obviously, Buddhism believes that good or evil actions are done only by oneself and thereby oneself is to reap its corresponding fruits, either good or bad as a natural consequence. The obvious fact is that, in Buddhism, there is no Heavenly Being or God who can shape or create one or make judgements on ones behaviour or destiny. In fact, one is wholly responsible to develop ones own standard or stage of morality (sila), concentration (samadhi) and wisdom (panna) in order that one can finally reach the very end of Supreme Enlightenment (adhipanna). By only so doing can one evolve ones potential stages of enlightenment in life, say from the stages of an ignorant worldling to a virtuous person, then to a junior Stream winner (culasotapanna) who has realized the actual nature of mind and matter as well as of the cause and effect, then to the Noble Ones or Holy Saints (ariyas) till up to the Supremely Enlightened One (arahanta).

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